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As the Guiding Light she was very badly wanted in a South American port for the little matter of entering harbour at full speed, colliding with a coal-hulk and the State's only man-of-war, just as that man-of-war was going to coal. She put to sea without explanations, though three forts fired at her for half an hour.

And then follows a resonant clash with spray of colliding seas. Here the story of the waves begins, and there are clearly two roles. To light lapping and cradling of waters the wood sings the simple lay, while strings discourse in quicker, higher phrase. The parts are reversed. The scene shimmers

"At all events we know we're still above the water and not in danger of colliding with any church steeples," said Jess, and she found consolation in the thought. "Have you any idea at all as to the direction of the light, Peggy?" inquired Jimsy at length. "I I really don't know," confessed Peggy, with a gulp; "everything's mixed up.

From the Western Union desks the clicking of the throng of instruments rose into the air in an incessant staccato stridulation. The messenger boys ran back and forth at top speed, dodging in and out among the knots of clerks and traders, colliding with one another, and without interruption intoning the names of those for whom they had despatches.

Tears stood in his eyes, and yet his speech was nothing but a collection of disconnected sentences, without beginning and without end a string of unexpected words and unexpected sentiments colliding with one another, and jumping over one another, as they burst from his lips. "Enough!" he concluded at last, "you understand me, and that is the great thing.

To-night all were more worn out, and that did not mend their dispositions. They could not help falling asleep and colliding with someone's nodding head, which called out angry mutterings and growls.

And, though the storm seemed to rage more and more fiercely with the advancing hours of the day, whirling clouds of blinding snow in their faces, hurling the decayed limbs and trunks of the older tenants of the wood to the earth around them, in the fury of its blasts, and rattling and creaking through the colliding branches of the writhing green trees, as it swept over the wilderness, yet, for all these difficulties of the way and commotions of the elements, they faltered not, but continued to move forward in stern and moody silence, hour after hour, in the footsteps of their indomitable leader, until they reached the extreme eastern point of the lake, where their destination required them to turn round it, in a sharp angle to the west.

"All over the shoal the waves leap up in pinnacles, in volcanic points, sharp as stalagmites, and in this form run hither and yon in all possible directions, colliding with and crashing against others of equal fury and greatness a very carnival of wild and drunken waves; the waters hurled upward in huge masses of white.

The Siwash, his former owner, had trained him to retrieve, and of this Tom took shameless advantage. He would throw his hat or a glove or a stick into the middle of a rapid, and the gallant Dennis would dash into the swirling waters, regardless of colliding logs, fanged rocks, or spiky stumps. One day the dog got caught.

"There she is!" cried Andrews; "and not before it's time!" It was only by the most strenuous efforts that the engineer could keep "The General" from colliding with the locomotive of the opposing train. When he brought his obedient iron-horse to a standstill there was only the distance of a foot between the cowcatchers of the two engines.