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"Your friendship makes too flattering the acumen of your judgment," answered the modest Clutterbuck.

Whatever an impartial judge might think of the means whereby Major Tobias Clutterbuck had successfully screwed a thousand pounds out of the firm of Girdlestone, it is quite certain that that gentleman's seasoned conscience did not reproach him in the least degree. On the contrary, his whole being seemed saturated and impregnated with the wildest hilarity and delight.

"You mane that these secret societies and Socialists let each other know all that comes in their way and have their own means of getting information." "Dat may be, and dat may not be," the German answered, in the same oracular voice. "I thought, in any case, my good friend Clutterbuck, dat I vould give you vat you call in English the straight tap. It is always vell to have the straight tap."

They are rotten, useless whoo! He blew an imaginary feather up into the air to demonstrate the extreme fragility of the house in question. "You're raving, Baumser," said Major Clutterbuck excitedly. "Why, man, their names are above suspicion. They are looked upon as the soundest concern in the City." "Dat may be; dat may be," the German answered stolidly. "Vat I know, I know, and vat I say I say."

"Maria Clutterbuck, as I must always call her; for I cannot bring myself to pronounce the name of that poor wretch who was done to death." "He blew his brains out in delirium tremens," said Johnny. "And what made him drink?" said Madalina with emphasis. "Never mind. I decline altogether to speak of it. Such a scene as I have had! I was driven at last to tell her what I thought of her.

At the close of the debate, a form of an address was proposed by Mr. CLUTTERBUCK; which, being approved by the house, was presented to his majesty: and an embargo was laid on all provisions accordingly.

My eloquence had its effect; all dinner time, Mrs. Clutterbuck treated her husband with even striking consideration: my words seemed to have gifted her with a new light, and to have wrought a thorough transformation in her view of her lord and master's character.

Clutterbuck; what a dawdler you are! and do look was ever woman so used? you have wiped your razor upon my nightcap- -you dirty, slovenly " "I crave you many pardons; I own my error!" said Clutterbuck, in a nervous tone of interruption. "Error, indeed!" cried Mrs.

It was not I. Do you suppose that secrets can be kept when so many people know them? Every servant in Maria's house knows all about it." "As for that, I don't suppose Mrs Broughton makes any great secret of it." "Do you think she has told Mr Broughton? I am sure she has not. I may say I know she has not. Maria Clutterbuck is infatuated. There is no other excuse to be made for her."

We have numbers who are capable in every way of managing the business. I interfered, however. I said that I had a good friend, named Major Tobias Clutterbuck, who was well qualified for the position. I mentioned that you were of the blood of the old Silesian kings. Was I not right?" "Begad you were not. Milesian, sir; Milesian!" "Ah, Milesian. It's all the same."