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She conversed with Aunt Lambert on an equal footing; she treated the girls as chits to Hetty's wrath and Theo's amusement. She talked politics with the General, and the last routs, dresses, operas, fashions, scandal, with such perfect ease that, but for a blunder or two, you might have fancied Miss Lydia was born in Mayfair.

The C.O. pronounced Matilda to be moderately clean. As she was conducting the trumpeter back to "A" Company she fell into a vat of by-products near the mess hut. She couldn't be washed again, as the Quartermaster had already written three scathing chits about the previous use of depôt disinfectant. Matilda spent the night licking herself clean in the detention cell.

"It is a serious business, Tritton. That fellow Sanders owns chits of Gordon's to the amount of fifteen hundred pounds." An exclamation of dismay broke from his hearers. "Good heavens!" Tritton exclaimed, "how could he possibly have lost so much as that? I know that the play has been high; but still, even with the worst luck, a man could hardly lose so much as that."

When she peeped into the back tent again an hour later Aurora still lay face downwards upon the bed. 'Are you asleep, Aurora? whispered Mrs. Ben. 'No! answered the girl fiercely. 'For God's sake, don't bother me! Mrs. Ben went away again, sadder than before. 'Oh, the men, the men! murmured the wise woman. 'To think of the good women wasted on them, and the chits they're often wasted on!

The rule at the clubs now is that no chits can be given beyond a trifling amount each month, and that they must be promptly redeemed. Canton was reached by four in the afternoon, and such a swarm of small boats as surrounded us was never seen elsewhere.

His feast was well attended: friars, government employees, soldiers, merchants, all of them his customers, partners or patrons, were to be seen there, for his store supplied the curates and the conventos with all their necessities, he accepted the chits of all the employees, and he had servants who were discreet, prompt, and complaisant.

It is certain that no hickory nut will retain its vitality beyond the first year of its exposure to a New England soil and climate, and few seeds are better protected by nature against such exposure; and it is equally questionable whether the chits to Dr.

Thinking is better than running after little chits of girls who ought to be smacked and put to bed. Two refulgent youths had just passed us, in the wake of damsels whose favour they apparently sought to win as favour is perhaps won in poultry-yards by cackling. 'I've had to do a powerful lot of talking in my time, continued Mr.

I was induced to do so by the fact that the man has rooked Lieutenant Gordon of something like fifteen hundred pounds, for which he holds his chits." "Mr. Tritton, you hear what Mr. Bullen says. Have you also observed the act of cheating of which he accuses Captain Sanders?" "Yes, sir; I have seen him do it several times this evening.

Each had a bunch of "chits," as they call them recommendations from previous employers, testifying to their intelligence, honesty and fidelity, and insisted upon our reading them. Finally, in self-defense, we engaged a stalwart Mohammedan wearing a snow-white robe, a monstrous turban and a big bushy beard.