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There appeared to be at times a change engendered when a large quantity of chemicals were mixed which was not manifest in a small and experimental batch. So Tom wanted to mix up a big tank of his new chemical compound and see if it would work in large quantities as well as it did with the small amount Ned had dropped on the blazing tree.

"Miss Blythe," I exclaimed, in desperation, "if you were as poor as a a church rat, as solitary as as Adam before the advent of Eve, I would count it my chief joy, and " "Hallo! Mellon, hi! I say! where are you?" shouted the voice of the doctor at that moment from below stairs. "Here's Dumps been in the laboratory, and capsized some of the chemicals!" "Coming, sir!"

There are always two sides to a fire, the leeward and the windward, and I want to see how my chemicals act in both positions." "I'm with you," said Ned. "Who's going to drop the stuff Koku?" "No, he is a bit too heavy for the framework, which I had put up in a hurry. I'd have Rad do it, but he's out of the game." "Poor old Rad!" murmured Ned. "Do you think he'll ever get better, Tom?"

Considered as mere curiosities, these discoveries were interesting, but aside from that they were of great theoretical importance, because they showed the compound nature of some familiar chemicals that had been regarded as elements. Several other elementary earths met the same fate when subjected to the electrical influence; the metals barium, calcium, and strontium being thus discovered.

If the products of any typical firm one, let us say, which produces chemicals are represented by the number a hundred, and if fifty represents the amount which at present is the share of labour, the rest being taken by men of directive ability a picked body of organisers, chemists, and inventors labour, it is contended, produces more than the fifty, which is all that it at present gets.

Delages of Paris, and Loeb of California, have made valuable studies on these eggs. These chemicals appear to act on the delicate pellicle which forms the surface of the egg-cell in much the same way as the prick of a needle acts on a frog's egg.

I mounted flight after flight of stairs, till I eventually found myself at the top of the house, in an apartment pervaded by a strong odour of chemicals, and glazed along the roof and the whole of one side with panes of a bluish tint.

"Well, recent research in the problem of the origin of life may be very interesting," I replied. "There are a good many chemicals mentioned here I wonder if any of them is poisonous? But I am of the opinion that there is something more to this manuscript than a mere scientific paper." "Exactly, Walter," said Kennedy in half raillery.

"But I must know more, and more, and still more, Mother, before I can get to the top!" exclaimed the boy eagerly. "And now to tell you of weighted silks. You see, in dyeing silk the material shrinks and loses about a quarter of its weight. Manufacturers found that by adding chemicals, or sugar and glucose during the boiling off, they could make up for this loss. That is how the custom started.

When he returned with the fiddle-bow and the tuning-fork, he saw Lefevre had placed the machine ready, with fresh chemicals in the vessels. "Do you perceive my purpose?" asked Lefevre.