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This case illustrates many important points; 1. it shows the efficacy of the caustic with the poultice as a remedy against inflammation; 2. it presents an instance of a labouring man returning to work on the sixth or seventh day after a severe accident, even when the application of the caustic had been unfortunately delayed; 3. it points out the proper treatment, when all hope of the treatment from the first by adherent eschar is lost from such delay, for had this been attempted in this case, suppuration would doubtless have taken place from the closed state of the puncture by the swelling; our objects must therefore be, to open the puncture and to subdue the inflammation, and these objects are admirably attained by means of the caustic.

He had a very sharp and caustic wit, which made him exceedingly popular as an after-dinner speaker and as a host in his own house. He made every evening when he entertained, for those who were fortunate enough to be his guests, an occasion memorable in their experience.

If you ever wash an infant in strongly caustic soap, you may look for a state of discomfort in the child which will make it restless and miserable without your being able to tell how it is so. You may ascribe to unhappy "temper" what is due to the bad soap which you have put on the skin.

Of course Ralph thought the joke a good one when he too heard the particulars of the sudden run upon the good doctor's supply of liquid caustic. "No wonder they limped after all that; the remedy was worse than the disease, I reckon. I don't suppose anything serious will come out of those bites now?" he said, after he had stopped laughing. "Oh! hardly.

They were discussing the character of a great statesman whom, warmed but by the loftiest and purest motives, they were unable to understand. Their gross suspicions, their coarse jealousies, their calculations of patriotism by place, all that strips the varnish from the face of that fair harlot Political Ambition sank like caustic into his spirit.

His grim lips opened and in caustic tone he said: "You fellers seem to think that I'm Abe Silt's keeper. I ain't. Abe's old enough and ought to be seaman enough to look out for Abe Silt. What tomfoolery he packed into that chest is none o' my consarn. I l'arnt years ago that Moses an' them old fellers left the chief commandment out o' the Scriptures.

You may send for the Doctor; perhaps he can take the pain from my head. That is all I want him to do. There is no use in the pain, that I know of; if he can stop it, let him." So they sent for the old Doctor. It was not long before the solid trot of Caustic, the old bay horse, and the crashing of the gravel under the wheels, gave notice that the physician was driving up the avenue.

While driving his car back to Los Robles, Billie Threewit, producing director at the border studio of the Lunar Film Manufacturers, indulged in caustic comment on his own idiocy. "Now, what in hell did I take on this Yeager rube for? He had just finished crabbing one scene. Wasn't that enough without me paying him good money to spoil more? Harrison's sore on him too.

"If a solution of 1,369 per cent, of caustic ammonia is added to this red fluid, and the tube is turned around to effect the necessary mixture, keeping its mouth closed with the thumb, after the addition of more or less of the ammonical fluid, it will change into violet.

Still, they met with distinct success, though it has always been a question whether this success was due so much to the story as to the shrewd observation and caustic wit which were brought to bear upon what was essentially a serious study of one side of American social life. The work with which Warner himself was least satisfied was his life of Captain John Smith, which came out in 18881.