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'What book is that? said Shand suddenly, emerging with his head and shoulders from the low berth. 'A book of mine, said Caldigate, disconcerted for the moment. 'What are you going to do with it? 'I am looking for something to lend to Mrs. Smith.

She took some few short halcyon weeks to dally with the vow which her heart was ready to make; but those around her knew that the vow had been inwardly made; and those who were anxious on her behalf with a new anxiety, with a new responsibility, redoubled their inquiries as to John Caldigate. How would Robert Bolton or Mrs.

'You must write her a letter and call her Mrs. Caldigate. That will be an acknowledgment. 'And what shall I say to her? 'Ask her to come here, if you will. 'And him? 'And him, too. The fact is we have got to swallow it all. I was sure that he had married that woman, and then of course I wanted to get Hester away from him.

The man had moved his position, and was now sitting with his head turned away but evidently not asleep. Then it occurred to Caldigate that Crinkett's slumbers had been only a pretence, that the man had seen and recognised him, and at the moment had not chosen to make himself known.

'Not as to a temporary separation. 'If you believed me, you would, said Caldigate. 'But I do not believe you. In a matter like this, as you will come to me, I must be plain. I do not believe you. I think that you have betrayed and seduced my sister. Looking at all the evidence and at your own confession, I can come to no other conclusion.

Caldigate then went on to explain his views as to life, declaring that under no circumstances had there been no Davis would he have consented to remain at Folking as a deputy-squire, waiting to take up his position some twenty years hence at his father's death. Nor, even were Folking his own at this moment, would he live there!

He had caught hold of Caldigate in the stable yard, and was now walking with him down towards the ferry. 'Yes; she's doing very well, they tell me, said the newly-made father. 'In course she'll do well. Why not? A healthy lass like she, if I may make so free? There ain't nothing like having them strong and young, with no town-bred airs about 'em. I never doubted as she wouldn't do well.

'She shall come here, and be called by her name, said the father. 'She shall be Hester, my own Hester, said the mother, not feeling herself as yet called upon to contradict her husband. 'And John Caldigate shall come, he said. 'Never! exclaimed Mrs. Bolton. 'He shall be asked to come. I say he shall. Am I to be harder on my own child than are all the others?

'Indeed Maria would like nothing of the kind, said the young lady in question. 'Only, Mr. Caldigate, of course you would have to marry her. Then the child was cuffed, and Maria declared that the proposed arrangement would suit neither her nor Mr. Caldigate in the least.

Then the Cambridge newspapers took up the subject, generally in the Caldigate interest, and from thence the matter was transferred to the metropolitan columns, which, with one exception, were strong in favour of such a reversal of the verdict as could be effected by a pardon from the Queen. The one exception was very pellucid, very unanswerable, and very cold-blooded.