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The Farneses claimed Portugal; so that children sprung from the bloodroyal of England blended with that of Parma, might choose to make those pretensions valid. But the objection was promptly solved by the Commander: "The Queen of Scotland is sure to have no children," he said. That matter being adjusted, Parma's probable attitude as King of England was examined.

The Farneses claimed Portugal; so that children sprung from the bloodroyal of England blended with that of Parma, might choose to make those pretensions valid. But the objection was promptly solved by the Commander: "The Queen of Scotland is sure to have no children," he said. That matter being adjusted, Parma's probable attitude as King of England was examined.

The Farneses claimed Portugal; so that children sprung from the bloodroyal of England blended with that of Parma, might choose to make those pretensions valid. But the objection was promptly solved by the Commander: "The Queen of Scotland is sure to have no children," he said. That matter being adjusted, Parma's probable attitude as King of England was examined.

The Farneses claimed Portugal; so that children sprung from the bloodroyal of England blended with that of Parma, might choose to make those pretensions valid. But the objection was promptly solved by the Commander: "The Queen of Scotland is sure to have no children," he said. That matter being adjusted, Parma's probable attitude as King of England was examined.