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I told you, my dear brother, that the Orange party, while assailing us with their absurd calumnies, have also made it a reproach against us that we have negotiated with France." "What blockheads they are!" "But, indeed, they reproach us with it."

What years of anguish and wrong had the poor thing suffered, before these sad words came from her gentle lips! "O divine Athenais! what blockheads have we been to worship any but you. THAT a goddess? a pretty goddess forsooth; a witch, rather, who, for a while, kept our gracious monarch blind!

"Then what the devil are you hounding me for? Let them find the counteragent." "Two heads are better than one." "Nonsense. Two blockheads are worse than one insofar as they tend to regard each other as a source of wisdom. I shall conquer the Grass, I alone, I, Josephine Spencer Francis and as soon as possible. Now you have all the data in its most specific form.

"Here the lamps stink more than they light," said Hyacinth. "How the coach rocks those blockheads will end by upsetting it. I should have been twice as well in my chair." Angela sat in her place, lost in thought, and hardly conscious of the jolting coach, or of Papillon's prattle, who would not be satisfied till she had dragged her aunt into the conversation.

It is just so with theories; through the blind confidence of the blockheads who broach them, their absurdity reaches such a pitch that at last it is obvious even to the dullest eye. We may thus say to such people: the wilder your statements, the better. There is also some comfort to be found in reflecting upon all the whims and crotchets which had their day and have now utterly vanished.

Say, who was the girl Billie Hawker went mad over this summer?" "Blazes!" said Hollanden, recovering slowly from this onslaught. "Who what how did you Indians find it out?" "Oh, we tumbled!" they cried in delight, "we tumbled." "There!" said Hollanden, reproaching himself. "And I thought you were such a lot of blockheads." "Oh, we tumbled!" they cried again in their ecstasy. "But who is she?

"Why don't you run a race for them?" suggests Putraka; and, as the two blockheads start furiously off, he quietly picks up the bowl, ties on the shoes, and flies away! It is unnecessary to cite further illustrations. The tales here quoted are fair samples of the remarkable correspondence which holds good through all the various sections of Aryan folk-lore.

The first is a very long letter, almost the whole of which is about a quarrel between husband and wife, both friends of the writer, which it would serve no good purpose to publish. The following passage from it, however, must not be lost: "What egregious blockheads must those animals have been who discover a resemblance to my style in Latin or other quotations. I have no need of crutches.

In Hawthorne's romance, after Miles Coverdale had passed his spring and summer among the Utopians of Blithedale, he felt that the time had come when he must for sheer sanity's sake go and hold a little talk with the Conservatives, the merchants, the politicians, 'and all those respectable old blockheads, who still in this intangibility and mistiness of affairs kept a death-grip on one or two ideas which had not come into vogue since yesterday morning. 'No sagacious man, says Hawthorne, 'will long retain his sagacity if he lives exclusively among reformers and progressive people, without periodically returning into the settled system of things, to correct himself by a new observation from that old stand-point. Yet good men rightly hoped that 'out of the very thoughts that were wildest and most destructive might grow a wisdom, holy, calm, and pure, and that should incarnate itself with the substance of a noble and happy life. Now that we are able to look back on the crisis of the times that Hawthorne describes, we perceive that it was as he expected, and that in the person of Emerson the ferment and dissolvency of thought worked itself out in a strain of wisdom of the highest and purest.

"That may be; republicanism doesn't necessarily mean letting the blockheads rule! It may mean giving equal opportunity for the fit men to come to the top and rule. Did you come in to talk over these things with me, Miss Eleanor? I must make a convert of you; it would win over Wayland and Williams and your father." "No, I didn't. I came in here by mistake.