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"I don't understand it," I said, "we must have passed it. It wasn't above five or six houses from the street we turned, down, where the pillar-post was." "But, Audrey," said Tom, "p'raps we came up another street by mistake, 'cause you know we couldn't find the pillar coming back. Let's go back a little and see if we don't come to the street where it is, and then we'll know."

But I never had any doubt that when I took Musa out of the orchestra in the Café de Versailles I was giving a genius to the world. And perhaps that's how I shall be remembered by posterity. And if it is I shall be content." Never before had Audrey heard anybody connect himself with posterity, and she was very much impressed. Monsieur Dauphin was resigned and yet brave.

I am not Jean Hugon!" The narrow path down which he had come was visible for some distance as it wound through field and copse, and upon it there now appeared another figure, as yet far off, but moving rapidly through the fading light toward the river. "Jean! Jean! Jean Hugon!" cried Audrey. The blood rushed to Haward's face. "As bad as that!" he said, beneath his breath.

Then, when the doors were flung open and the troop of servants came in to their supper, Mr. Audrey blessed himself, and for them, too; and they went out by a door behind into the wainscoted parlour, where the new stove from London stood, and where the conserves and muscadel awaited them.

Elise stood behind, trembling with satisfaction. "Well " Audrey began. But she heard the automobile, and told Elise to run and be ready to open the front door of the flat. "Rather showy, isn't it? Rather daring?" said Miss Ingate, advancing self-consciously and self-deprecating. "Winnie," answered Audrey. "It's a nice question between you and the Queen of Sheba."

It prayed first, and then it counted the sore spots, and they were many. And it was dazed, too. There had been no time to discount peace in advance. The streets filled at once, but at first it was with a chastened people. Audrey herself felt numb and unreal.

Give me a piece of bread, and let me stay with you to-night." The old woman moved aside, and the girl, entering a room that was mean and poor enough, sat down upon a stool beside the fire. "If ye came by the mill," demanded her hostess, with a suspicious eye, "why did ye not stop there for bite and sup?" "The men were all talking together," answered Audrey wearily.

Audrey hesitated. Evidently Natalie wanted to talk, to try to justify herself. But the feeling that she was the last woman in the world to be Natalie's father-confessor was strong in her. On the other hand, there was the question of Graham. On that, before long, she and Natalie would have, in one of her own occasional lapses into slang, to go to the mat.

Then shall she have the wooing of the son of a Monacan woman. I am a hunter. I will woo as they woo in the woods." Audrey bent to her pole, and made faster progress down the creek. Her heart was hot and angry, and yet she was afraid.

Say this afternoon about four." That "nothing to do" was an odd change, in itself, for Audrey had been in the habit of doling out her time like sweetmeats. "Where in the world have you been all this time?" he demanded, almost angrily. To his own surprise he was suddenly conscious of a sense of indignation and affront. She had said she depended on him, and then she had gone away and hidden herself.