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Zungomero, bisected by the Mgeta, lies on flat ground, in a very pretty amphitheatre of hills, S. lat. 7 deg. 26' 53", and E. long. 37 deg. 36' 45". It is extremely fertile, and very populous, affording everything that man can wish, even to the cocoa and papwa fruits; but the slave-trade has almost depopulated it, and turned its once flourishing gardens into jungles.

Zungomero is a terminus or junction of two roads leading to the interior one, the northern, crossing over the Goma Pass, and trenching on the Mukondokua river, and the other crossing over the Mabruki Pass, and edging on the Ruaha river. They both unite again at Ugogi, the western terminus on the present great Unyamuezi line.

Sheikh Said, however, I must say, very much to his credit, soon shook off his fears, and even told the Beluches to do the same, for another consul would come who would see justice done to them. We then left Zungomero and crossed the East Coast Range.

My plans for the present were to reach Zungomero as soon as possible, as a few days' halt would be required there to fix the longitude of the eastern flank of the East Coast Range by astronomical observation; but on ordering the morning's march, the porters too well fed and lazy thought our marching-rate much too severe, and resolutely refused to move.

Do. 2 barsatis, 2 Total expenditure, 188 dols. Or L39, 3s. 4d. The Indian Government also very generously authorised me to pay, on my last expedition, those poor men who had carried our property down from Kaze to Zungomero; but unfortunately for them, as well as for our own credit, I could not find one man of the lot. The End.

However, thirty-six men were sent forward to Zungomero by Ladha, and we bought thirty donkeys. When all was done that could be done in a hurry, we bade the generous old Colonel adieu, as well as his medical attendant, Mr Frost, and commenced the journey inland on the 27th June Ladha promising to send the rest of our property after us as soon as he could find carriage for it.

Mine occasionally recurred at various intervals, but his stuck to him throughout the journey, and even lasted till some time after he came home. At Zungomero we overtook the porters that Ladha had sent forward.