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Then the Cid went into King Abenalfange's country, and did much mischief there; and he got among the mountains of Moriella, and beat down every thing before him, and destroyed the Castle of Moriella. And King Zulema sent to bid him build up the ruined Castle of Alcala, which is upon Moriella; and the Cid did so.

And Zulema put his kingdom under my Cid's protection, and bade all his people obey him even as they would himself. Now there began to be great enmity between the two brethren, and they made war upon each other. And the Count Don Ramon Berenguer of Barcelona helped Abenalfange, and was enemy to the Cid because he defended Zulema.

Such was Zulema, such was he, the warrior of renown, The son of that Zulema who ruled Toledo's town. Ah! bright the fame the father left, for it shall never die The glory of his greater son shall keep its memory. Now once it happened that he reached a city's towering gate; 'Twas Avila, and there that day the games they celebrate.

Ruydiez returned with great honour and much spoil, and gave all his prisoners to King Zulema, who kept them eight days, and then my Cid begged their liberty and set them free. And he and the King returned to Zaragoza, and the people came out to meet them, with great joy, and shouts of welcome. And the King honoured my Cid greatly, and gave him power in all his dominions.

But now Zulema by the hand the wardens take and greet, And 'mid the highest noblemen they yield the knight a seat. His seat was placed in honor 'mid ladies gay and bright, Mid warriors of Castile, the first in courage and in might. Then suddenly, more swift than wind, more wild than comet's glare, Jerama's bull, far famed was he, rushed on the crowded square.

God, how joyful was my Cid with the fleecy beard, that Minaya had purchased the thousand masses, and had brought him the biddings of his wife and daughters! God, what a joyful man was he! Now it came to pass that the days of King Almudafar were fulfilled: and he left his two sons Zulema and Abenalfange, and Zulema had the kingdom of Zaragoza, and Abenalfange the kingdom of Denia.

And the King was right glad when they were brought before him, and he did great justice upon them, and sent to thank my Cid for having avenged him. XXI. After my Cid had done this good service to King Don Alfonso, he and King Zulema of Zaragoza entered Aragon, slaying, and burning, and plundering before them, and they returned to the Castle of Monzon with great booty.

With bold right hand Zulema drew his keen and mighty blade; Blow after blow 'mid blood and dust upon his foe he laid; The startled beast retired before such onslaught of his foe, And the people shouted loud applause and the King himself bowed low. The bull with tossing head roared forth a challenge to the knight, As Zulema turned, and with a bound rushed to the desperate fight.

"On no account will I allow it," said the curate; "your mightiness must remain on horseback, for it is on horseback you achieve the greatest deeds and adventures that have been beheld in our age; as for me, an unworthy priest, it will serve me well enough to mount on the haunches of one of the mules of these gentlefolk who accompany your worship, if they have no objection, and I will fancy I am mounted on the steed Pegasus, or on the zebra or charger that bore the famous Moor, Muzaraque, who to this day lies enchanted in the great hill of Zulema, a little distance from the great Complutum."

Ah! cruel were the strokes that rained upon that foaming flank! Into the sand that life-blood like a shower of autumn sank. He roars, he snorts, he spurns the ground, the bloody dust flies high, Now here, now there, in angry pain they see the monster fly. He turns to see what new-found foe has crossed his path to-day; But when Zulema faces him he stops to turn away.