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While this little quadrangle of conflicting emotions of Locke, Eva, Paul, and Zita was being enacted the two partners in the library were disputing hot and heavy. As they argued, almost it seemed as if Balcom's very face limned his thoughts that he desired Brent out of the way, as a weakling in whom he had discovered some traces of conscience which, to Balcom, meant weakness.

Several panels opened simultaneously and into the room there came a number of emissaries, who crept upon the now completely hypnotized girl. Nor was that all. A sound, as of the clanking of chains, was heard, and through an aperture in the wall larger than the others there stalked the Automaton. At this very instant Locke and Zita burst into the room and rushed toward Eva.

Fortunately, it was not far. She tore up-stairs and through the door that Balcom had left open. Everything was as Balcom had left it, except that now the three men lay quite still. Zita staggered over to a window and threw it open. Next she got water and extinguished the still smoldering powder. Then, falling on her knees, she tried to help the stricken men.

He did not turn up the grand staircase in the center of the wide hall, but hurried, preoccupied, to a door under the stairs that opened down to the cellar. He started to open it to pass down. As he did so he did not hear a light footstep on the stairs as his secretary, Zita Dane, came down. But he did not escape her watchful eye. "Mr. Brent," she called, "is there anything I can do?"

Genevieve, the virgin-shepherdess; a St. Zita, the angelic servant-girl; and many others, whom the Church has placed upon her altars, and proposed to our imitation. You see, then, that the high honors of heaven do not belong, exclusively, to any privileged classes, as you might imagine the martyrs, doctors, virgins, and religious to be.

"Oh, no! you have been honest enough; you have never even pretended to think of me as anything else but a prostitute, a trumpery bit of second-hand finery that plenty of other men have had before you " "Hush, Zita! I have never thought that way about any living thing." "You have never loved me," she insisted sullenly. "No, I have never loved you.

Together Balcom and Zita descended to the cellar and made their way to the Graveyard of Genius as Zita poured forth her story, unmindful of the fact that the butler had seen them go down and was watching very skeptically. In the Graveyard Balcom unwrapped a small model of a motor and placed it on the shelf.

Then the two parties moved toward each other. As they came in sight of the spot, Locke experienced a keen disappointment. He could see no one. Advancing farther, he discovered Brent still on the same rock. Guarding him were three emissaries. That was all. Zita, the Automaton, and the other emissaries were gone.

They guided his halting steps into the library as if he had been something less than a child, and placed him in the same big armchair on which he had sunk the fatal morning that the fumes from the candles had overcome him. Doctor Q drew out the bottle and, telling Zita to bring a glass of water, measured out a few drops of the antidote, pouring them into the glass.

Lucca is the city of a great soldier, of one of the most charming of Tuscan sculptors, and of Santa Zita. Lucca l'Ombrosa I call her, but she is the city of light too Luce, light; it is the patriotic derivation of her name.