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But the next moment a strawmote would have knocked me down, for I called to mind that if thy father and mother had had high words once, they'd been at it twenty times since they'd been man and wife, and I zid myself as the next poor stunpoll to get into the same mess... Ah well, what a day 'twas!" "Wildeve is older than Tamsin Yeobright by a goodfew summers. A pretty maid too she is.

She's too good for a dairymaid I said so the very first day I zid her and a prize for any man; and what's more, a wonderful woman for a gentleman-farmer's wife; he won't be at the mercy of his baily wi' her at his side." Somehow Tess disappeared. She had been even more struck with the look of the girls who followed Crick than abashed by Crick's blunt praise.

Here be I, that was expected to die, alive and hard as a nail, you see, and there's she moulderen in her grave. 'I used to think 'twas your wife's fate not to have a liven husband when I zid 'em die off so, said Gad. 'Fate? Bless thy simplicity, so 'twas her fate; but she struggled to have one, and would, and did. Fate's nothen beside a woman's schemen!

The jeweller had subtle methods of travelling; nobody saw him cross the plains of Zid; nobody saw him come to Mursk or Tlun. O, but he loved shadows! Once the moon peeping out unexpectedly from a tempest had betrayed an ordinary jeweller; not so did it undo Thangobrind; the watchman only saw a crouching shape that snarled and laughed: "'Tis but a hyena," they said.

Ah, Humph, well I can mind when I was married how I zid thy father's mark staring me in the face as I went to put down my name. He and your mother were the couple married just afore we were and there stood they father's cross with arms stretched out like a great banging scarecrow. What a terrible black cross that was thy father's very likeness in en!

A very strange one? What sort of a spirit did ye mean when ye said, a very strange one, Timothy? no, no don't tell me." "I don't half believe in spirits myself. But I think it ghostly enough what I was told. 'Twas a little boy that zid it." "What was it like? no, don't " "A red one. Yes, most ghosts be white; but this is as if it had been dipped in blood."

A very strange one? What sort of a spirit did ye mean when ye said, a very strange one, Timothy? no, no don't tell me." "I don't half believe in spirits myself. But I think it ghostly enough what I was told. 'Twas a little boy that zid it." "What was it like? no, don't " "A red one. Yes, most ghosts be white; but this is as if it had been dipped in blood."

To save my soul I couldn't help laughing when I zid en, though all the time I was as hot as dog-days, what with the marrying, and what with the woman a-hanging to me, and what with Jack Changley and a lot more chaps grinning at me through church window.

"They say Mrs d'Urberville says that she wants you to look after a little fowl-farm which is her hobby. But this is only her artful way of getting 'ee there without raising your hopes. She's going to own 'ee as kin that's the meaning o't." "But I didn't see her." "You zid somebody, I suppose?" "I saw her son." "And did he own 'ee?" "Well he called me Coz." "An' I knew it!

One Holy Thursday of all days in the almanack, we was here as we mid be now, only there was no churning in hand, when we zid the girl's mother coming up to the door, wi' a great brass-mounted umbrella in her hand that would ha' felled an ox, and saying 'Do Jack Dollop work here? because I want him!