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She walked on very fast toward Zelda's, trying to occupy the whole of her mind with planning a new gown. But Zelda had more tender news to break that day than that of a new scandal. "Katie," she approached it, in Zelda's own delicate fashion, "what would you think of Major Darrett and me joy-riding through life together?" "I approve of it," said Katie, with curious heartiness.

"But Zelda has a splendid ancestry," she pressed. "And suggests a chorus girl." That stilled her. It left her things to think about. At last she asked: "And Wayne, which would you say I was?" He came back from a considerable distance. "Which of what?" "Lady or chorus girl?" He looked at her and smiled. Katie was all aglow with the daring of her adventure.

The "Thor," also, was heading straight for the derelict. So far, the Rhinds boat was still nearer. It began to look, however, as if the "Thor's" engines were not quite as fast as those of the other Rhinds boat, the "Zelda." "Are we going to make it?" breathed Eph, the perspiration of sheer strain standing out on his forehead. "Yes!" almost barked Jack Benson.

Katie had grown so absorbed in that part that there were times of forgetting there was a real girl behind it. Often she believed in her friend Ann Forrest, the dear girl she had known in Florence, the poor child who had gone through so many hard things and was so different from the Zelda Frasers of the world.

Werner was irascible, swearing roundly at the slightest provocation, raging up and down at every little error. "Come now," he shouted, as we approached, "let's get this scene now number one twenty-six. Loring Gordon! Shake a leg here, I'll read it again. 'Daring enters. He is scarcely seated at the desk, examining papers, when Zelda enters in a filmy negligee.

You've got to keep yourself cool and your nerve steady. Look out, now, for the second gun!" All five of the submarines were manoeuvering for the starting line. Boom! The second gun roared out, and the six hours' speed and endurance test was on! First over the line passed the "Zelda," but it was a fair get-away. How her propellers churned the foam now!

Sanselme forgot all his prudence and ran in the direction of the cries. He found a woman struggling with three drunken men, trying to tear from them a young girl about thirteen, simply dressed. The girl was struggling, but oddly enough she did not utter a sound. "Don't put on these airs, Zelda," said one of the ruffians, "let the little girl have a fling too. You have had yours."

But the Rhinds people may have been overheating their engines slightly, systematically, and using a lot of water to cool the metal. Now, if that is the case, they may be doing their best at forced speed. Hal and I determined, if we didn't lose more than a quarter of a mile an hour, we'd rather let the 'Zelda' keep the lead, and go on slowly overheating her engines.

True, the "Benson" was second in the line but the "Zelda" was first. At the end of an hour there were drops of clammy ooze on Captain Jack's forehead. He was steering as well as he had ever steered in his life. Hal had sent up word that the "Benson's" engines were doing all that could fairly be required of them. That troublesome hour up, Captain Jack called to Eph to take the helm.

Then there's Marilyn Loring, the vampire, another good trouper, too. She plays Zelda, old Remsen's ward, and it's a question whether Zelda or Stella will be the Remsen heir. Marilyn herself is an awfully nice girl, but, oh, how the fans hate her!" The director chuckled. "No Millard story is ever complete without a vamp and Marilyn's been eating them up.