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XVII, The Napoleonic Empire, by Theodor Flathe; Wilhelm Oncken, Das Zeitalter der Revolution, des Kaiserreiches, und der Befreiungskriege, 2 vols. II , ch. viii- xviii. Standard works on special phases of the era: Armand Lefebvre, Histoire des cabinets de l'Europe pendant le consulat et l'empire 1800-1815, 2d ed., 5 vols.

On the history of the Germanies from the religious peace of Augsburg to the peace of Westphalia there is the painstaking Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Gegenreformation und des dreissigjaehrigen Krieges, 1555-1648, by Moritz Ritter, 3 vols. For the history of Austria during the period, see Franz Kroncs, Handbuch der Geschichte Oesterreichs von der aeltesten Zeit, Vol.

Credner, Beiträge, ii. 152. The Greek has been preserved in the shape of long extracts by Epiphanius and others. The edition used is that of Stieren, Lipsiae, 1853. Zeitalter, p. 126 sq. 'Judith' in Schenkel's Bibel-Lexicon. I feel it due to the author to say that I have found his long lists of references, though not seldom faulty, very useful. Compare also p. 24 above.

[Footnote 43: Griesebach: “Das Goetheische Zeitalter der deutschen Dichtung,” Leipzig, 1891, p.

In that year Weizsäcker's book, Das Apostolische Zeitalter der Christlichen Kirche, admirably filled the place. A part of the problem of the historian of the apostolic age is difficult for the same reason which was given when we were speaking of the biography of Jesus. Our materials are inadequate. First with the beginning of the activities of Paul have we sources of the first rank.

For political events in the Germanies in the sixteenth century: E. F. Henderson, A Short History of Germany, 2 vols. in 1 ; Sidney Whitman, Austria ; Gustav Welf, Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Gegenreformation , an elaborate study; Franz Krones, Handbuch der Geschichte Oesterreichs von der aeltesten Zeit, Vol. I, ch. iii-v; G. W. Kitchin, A History of France, 4th ed.

J. Klausner's Die messianische Vorstellungen des jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter der Tannaiten is probably the clearest statement of the facts. J. Weiss, Die Predigt Jesu vom Reiche Gottes. The first edition of this book is smaller and better than the second. The Quest of the Historic Jesus. I have endeavoured to deal with this question in the Stewardship of Faith, pp. 36 ff. Mark x. 17 ff.

Two excellent histories of the period of discovery are O. F. Peschel, Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen , and Sophus Ruge, Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen . More recent works are S. Gunther, Das Zeitalter der Entdeckungen , and Carlo Errera, L'Epoca delle Grandi Scoperti Geografiche .

Also see M. A. S. Hume, Spain, its Greatness and Decay, 1479-1788 , ch. i-vi, for a general account of the reigns of Philip II and Philip III; and Paul Herre, Papstium und Papstwahl im Zeitalter Philipps II for a sympathetic treatment of Philip's relations with the papacy.

V, ch. xii; Anton Gindely, The Thirty Years' War, trans. from the German by Andrew Ten Brook, 2 vols. , a popular treatment by a recognized authority in this field, breaking off, unfortunately, in the year 1623; Gustav Droysen, Das Zeitalter des dreissigjaehrigen Krieges and Georg Winter, Geschichte des dreissigjaehrigen Krieges , two bulky volumes in the Oncken Series devoted respectively to the political and military aspects of the war; Emile Charveriat, Histoire de la guerre de trente ans, 2 vols. , a reliable French account of the whole struggle.