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Anxious to do anything that would stop him from being poisoned, the German boy clutched the dish and took a large spoonful of the jam. But as he gulped it, he gave a gasp, and the tears started down his cheeks. "Du meine zeit!" he bawled. "I vos purnt up alife by mine mouth alretty! Dake it avay kvick!" And jumping up from the table he began to dance around madly. "It's a serious case," said Tom.

Owing to the constant watchful attention of the police a vast amount of detailed information concerning these establishments was accumulated, and during recent years much of it has been published. A summary of this literature will be found in Dühren's Neue Forshungen über den Marquis de Sade und seine Zeit, 1904, pp. 97 et seq. Rabutaux, op. cit., p. 54.

"I am quite ready to accept the conditions of modern life, my lord," said George. "I was anxious to give you my opinion as early as possible," resumed the bishop, "and that is, that what you have just published the book and the Zeit Geist article reflect yes, in no inconsiderable measure what I have long thought." "I am flattered, indeed, my lord." "You need not be, Holland.

It has been written with the best intentions, and will probably be read far and wide. Under the pseudonym of W. Neumann, Bussenius has edited a biographical collection, "Die Componisten der neueren Zeit," for E. Balde of Cassel, and the success has been such that a second edition of some of the volumes will soon be published. I have asked Bussenius to send you the little book.

Throughout Germany monuments have been reared and nails driven into emblems marked DIE GROSSE ZEIT. I have often wondered just what thoughts these monuments will arouse in the German's mind if his country is finally beaten and all his bloodshed and food deprivation will have been in vain.

He flung it open and held up his lantern to see inside. "Du meine Zeit! Vot is dis?" he gasped. "Cabtain Starr, or I vos treaming! Hi, Cabtain, vot you vos doing here, alretty?" he called out. "Is that that you, Mueller?" asked the captain, in a trembling voice. "Sure it vos me. Vot you did here, tole me dot?" "I the rascals tied me fast.

Here is snow back again, a nasty, comfortless, stormy sort of a day, and I will work it off at Boney. What shall I do when Bonaparte is done? He engrosses me morning, noon, and night. Never mind; Komt Zeit komt Rath, as the German says. I did not work longer than twelve, however, but went out in as rough weather as I have seen, and stood out several snow blasts. March 29, 30.

During the last year the "Letters of Bergmann" brought up again the controversy, that should have been left to die, over the treatment of the Emperor Friedrich by an English surgeon. The Germans are persistently taught that there are neither scholars nor students in America or in England. One worthy writes: "Die Engländer lernen nichts. Der Sport lässt ihnen keine Zeit dazu.

Labor must govern itself through instructed delegates, while such work can be done only by representatives, who must often have the power to act without further consultation with those who elected them. George H. Shibley in the American Federationist, June, 1910. Samuel Gompers in the American Federationist, 1910. Eugene V. Debs, op. cit. Karl Kautsky in Die Neue Zeit, 1909, p. 679.

Prior to the appearance in Spain of the celebrated Letters of Cortes, Peter Martyr's narrative stood alone. Heidenheimer rightly describes him: Als echter Kind seiner Zeit, war Peter Martyr Lehrer und Gelehrter, Soldat und Priester, Schriftsteller und Diplomat.