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The expression is lavarsi il capo. Ferrante to Ercole, Imola, January 27, 1502. Gianluca to Ercole, January 31, 1502. Bernardino Zambotto. See Monsignor Giuseppe Antonelli's work, Lucrezia Borgia in Ferrara, sposa a Don Alfonso d'Este, Memorie storiche.... Ferrara, 1867. The ambassador Beltrando Costabili to Duke Ercole, Rome, January 7, 1502.

Zambotto used this description of the wedding festivities in his chronicle, and it was subsequently reprinted in Lucrezia Borgia in Ferrara, etc. The Cassaria was first produced in 1508, and the Suppositi in 1509. Giuseppe Campori, Notizie per la vita di Lod. Ariosto, 2d ed. Modena, 1871, p. 67. Despatch of the Ferrarese orator, Bartolomeo Cartari, to Ercole, Venice, January 25, 1502.

If one could follow the reports of Gagnolo, Zambotto, and Isabella, and reproduce in imagination the brilliant wedding and the guests in their rich costumes seated in rows, he would behold one of the fairest and most illustrious gatherings of the Renaissance.

Are we thereby warranted in concluding that the younger Giovanni Borgia was a son of Alexander VI? Further, the Ferrarese chronicler Zambotto, speaking of the cardinal's death, uses the expression, "son of Pope Alexander." If this was the case, the number of Alexander's children must be increased, for Ludovico Borgia was also his son.