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She said that she had taken little Amrei to live with her, not from a desire to be kind, but in order that she might have some living being about her. She liked to appear rough before people, and thus enjoyed, all the more, the proud consciousness of independence. The exact opposite to her was Crappy Zachy, with whom Damie had found shelter.

In the winter Amrei was at Crappy Zachy's much of the time, for she was very fond of hearing him play the violin; yes, and Crappy Zachy on one occasion bestowed such high praise upon her as to say: "You are not stupid;" for Amrei, after listening to his playing for a long time, had remarked: "It's wonderful how a fiddle can hold its breath so long; I can't do that."

The mother sat silent for a time, but after awhile she said: "You've referred him to Crappy Zachy. It was at Crappy Zachy's that Josenhans's boy was boarded out." Thus her pronouncing the name aloud showed that her former remembrances were dawning upon her; and now she became conscious what those remembrances were.

The lad threw a dollar up to the musicians; and when Crappy Zachy saw Amrei on the arm of the stranger, he blew his trumpet until the very walls trembled. And to the blessed souls above no music can sound more beautiful than did this to Amrei.

On the evening of the same day that John had ridden away from Zumarshofen, Crappy Zachy came to Farmer Rodel's house and sat with the proprietor in the back room for a long time, reading a letter to him in a low voice. "You must give me a hundred crowns if I put this business through, and I want that down in writing," said Crappy Zachy.

Crappy Zachy walked back and forth and up and down with an air of great importance, and made himself very much at home he even smoked Farmer Rodel's pipe. "Then it is settled after all," said Barefoot to herself, mournfully. Night had come.

Crappy Zachy looked at Barefoot for a longtime, and then shook his head; evidently he did not know her. Amrei crept along close to the wall, and so out of the room again. She ran across Farmer Dominic, whose face was radiant with joy today. "Beg pardon," said he; "does the mistress belong to the wedding guests?" "No, I am only a maid. I came with Farmer Rodel's daughter, Rose." "Good!

When a marriage of this kind had been brought about, Crappy Zachy used to play the fiddle at the wedding, for he had quite a reputation in the region as a fiddler; moreover, when his hands were tired from fiddling, he could play the clarionet and the horn. In fact, he was an undoubted genius.

Suddenly Damie said: "If she comes to you, you must tell her to go to Crappy Zachy too, and tell him to be good to me." Amrei nodded; and then the children parted, and went to the separate houses where they had found shelter. The clouds, which had lifted in the morning, came back in the afternoon in the shape of a perfect downpour of rain.

After all, they're good signs, and if we could ask animals, who knows if they could not give us good advice?" The mother smiled, but the father said: "Don't forget to look up Crappy Zachy, and don't go ahead and bind yourself until you have consulted him. He knows the affairs of all the people for ten miles around, and is a living information bureau. And now, God be with you!