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"Don't look so good-tempered, sir," Peter stopped for a few moments to say. "Squeege your eyes up, sir, and show your teeth, as if you meant to eat the little beggar." "Oh, nonsense!" replied Archie. "You have regularly mastered him now. The poor little wretch is half-dead with fright." "Yuss!" growled Peter, turning to give a savage look at his panting little companion.

"And will you please ask your aunt to come here for a moment?" "Yuss," he said, in that queer hoarse voice, and shuffled downstairs again. And there followed, floating up from below, one of those quick, gabbling interchanges of French words which Nancy, try as she might, could not understand. She got into bed again.

A couple of the gorgeous ladies giggled. "Yuss," said he, "you're a man with an experience of life and nobody can do nothing for you but yerself. Poor old Barney Bill has been past helping you this many a year." "But I owe everything to you!" cried Paul, boyishly. "If it hadn't been for you, I should still be working in that factory at Bludston."

What became of the blacks I do not know, but it must be remembered that the Transvaal natives are Boer subjects, and liable to be shot if caught aiding the British. The feeling against the sergeant was very bitter. "Oh, you're the Kafir chief, are you?" said one of our men to him. "Ho, yuss, h' I'm the Kefir ginnyril," responded the flattered cockney, with an irritating grin.

He will do it as well as I can as soon as he is better. Now then, ready? Yuss. Then here's to begin." He rose softly, stepped quietly over the leaves, and deftly climbed up the door again, where he applied his eye to the ragged lookout. "My, it is dark!" he said to himself. "There must be a regular river fog floating over the place. I can't see a star."

"You may find happiness and peace of soul under the stars," said he, sagely, "and if I were a free agent I'd join you tomorrow. But you can't find fame. You can't rise to great things. I want to well, I don't quite know what I want to do," he laughed, "but it's something big." "Yuss, my boy," said Barney Bill. "I understand. You was always like that.

He shut the door behind his back with gentle care, looking intently the while at James Wait as though he had come in there at a great risk to tell some secret of startling im-portance. Jimmy did not move but glanced languidly out of the corners of his eyes. "Calm?" he asked. "Yuss," said Donkin, very disappointed, and sat down on the box.

"Ow, Gaw' blimme, let hup! Hi never meant northin'! A lie Ow, yuss a lie! She's a proper lydy Hi never 'eard the hother Gaw' strike me blind!" The man with the scar cast the fellow contemptuously away; and Cockney lost no time in putting the distance of the room between them. The big man turned on the Swede, and his voice was sharp and commanding. "Swede, does the Golden Bough sail to-morrow?"

Purr, thrusting the paper into Sylvia's hand; "tho' 'ow he writes, not 'avin' bin to a board school, I dunno. He's in a ken at Lambith, and ill at that. Want's me t'go an' see 'im. But I can't leave the ironin'." "Yuss y' can," said Deborah, suddenly; "this erringd is ness'ary, Mrs. Purr ma'am, so jes' put on your bunnet, an' go to Mr.

He clasped his hands together and leaned forward his out-thrust chin within two feet of Copper's left, or pipe hand. "Yuss," said Copper, "it's a fair knock-out." The fist landed to a hair on the chin-point, the neck snicked like a gun-lock, and the back of the head crashed on the boulder behind.