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"Surely, Sir, youre Father & all the people of God in England ... are now in the sadle & at the helme, so high that non datus descensus nisi cadendo: Some cheere up their spirits with the impossibilitie of another fall or turne, so doth Major G. Harrison ... a very gallant most deserving heavenly man, but most highflowne for the Kingdom of the Saints & the 5th Monarchie now risen & their sun never to set againe &c.

But you cant have perfection. He's a fine handsome fellow; and he knows it. And, as for you, I dont know what they reckon you in England; but youre the best-looking woman in Noo York: thats surtn. It's a pity for such a pair to fall out." "He is not selfish," said Marian. "You never saw him. I am afraid I must shock you, Mrs. Crawford. Mr. Forster is not my husband." "No! Do!

I can see from your garden youre a lady who's interested in keeping it lovely." "Not my garden and Mrs Smith's not home." The door shut. Not gently. The next house had no lawn at all, but was fronted with a rank growth of ivy. I felt no one had a right to plant ivy when I was selling something effective only on the family Gramineae.

This is only a remote preliminary, as I told you before, and why you encumbered us with your inquisitiveness is more than I can see." "Youre coming back tomorrow, then?" "Naturally. Did you think I just put this on for fun in order to go away and forget it? Weener, I always knew those who made money werent particularly brilliant, but arent you a little backward, even for a billionaire?"

I never saw him after I had seen some effects of his discourse, which before I valued not, and therefore was not curious to enquire after more than he voluntaryly tolde me, which I then entertayned not wth. these serious thoughts which I have synce reflected on in his discourse. This is as much as I can remember on this business which, according to youre desire, is written by "Sr. Yor., &c.,

Her eyes might have been microscopes and I something smeared on a slide. "Weener, youre the sort of man who peddles Life Begins at Forty to the inmates of an old peoples' home." I couldnt see what had upset her. The last idea had sound salesappeal, but it was a low income market.... Oh well her queer notions and obscure reactions undoubtedly went with her scientific gift.

If I beare this while there be knives or swords, Poyson or ought left to extinguish life That womans spleene can compasse Alexander! within there! Enter Alexander. Goe to my sonn; inioyne him by all rights Of naturall duty to accomplish that Which in youre hearing I comanded him. Beare him this Jewell and this gold, that when Tis don he may escape; be carefull, As you expect my favour. Alex.

Well, what do you think of living for several hundred years? Are you going to have a try for it? THE PARLOR MAID. Well, of course youre not in earnest, sir. But it does set one thinking, especially when one is going to be married. CONRAD. What has that to do with it? He may live as long as you, you know. THE PARLOR MAID. Thats just it, sir.

The door, after a properly prudent hesitation, clicked brokenly. Miss Francis looked as though she'd added insomnia to her other abstentions, otherwise she had not changed, even to her skirt and the smudge on her left nostril. "If youve come about the icebox youre a week late. I fixed it myself," she greeted me gruffly. "Weener," I reminded her, "Albert Weener remember?

Did you ever tell the General that?" "General Crawford! Oh, no." "Think of that man being cuter than me, a woman! He always said so. And the grit you must have, to tell it out as cool as that! Well! I'm sorry to hear it though, Mrs. Forster. It's a bad account a very bad one. But if I take what you said just now rightly, youre married." "I am. I have deserted a very good husband."