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"I'll mighty soon follow you." Eph secured a tin candle-stick with a half-burnt candle in it and led the way into the passage back of the bar. "Mas'r Slosson's jus' mo' than layin' back!" he said, as he closed the door after them. "I reckon you-all will lay back, too, when you get growed up," retorted Hannibal. "No, sir, I won't. White folks won't let a nigger lay back.

Soon's pap left, I got ter thinkin' what I'd done, an' the more I studied 'bout hit, 'bout Mr. Burns a-havin' ter go ter prison, an' 'bout you-all a-carin' for him the way you does, an' 'bout how happy you was over his book, an' an' how good you'd been ter me, the sorrier I got, 'til I just couldn't stand a-thinkin' 'bout hit no longer; an' an' so I come fast as I could ter tell you.

This yere contreetemps don't change my affections, for I knows it's a misdeal." You-all can gamble I don't do nothin' more that day but mourn. "'Which I should shorely say so! says Dan Boggs, an' his voice is shakin'; 'a-losin' of a gifted horned toad like Augustus! I'd a- howled like a wolf.

Which I'm the proud proprietor of them three aces when I breaks the pot. You-all lose this time; but if you'll only paste them dogmas I gives you in your sombrero, an' read 'em over from time to time, you'll notice they flows a profit. We three, 'concloodes Cherokee, turnin' ag'in to Dan an' Ellis, 'will now resoome our wrong-doin' at the p'int where this yere former plootocrat interrupts.

Bill grunted and forgot Jasper. But he seemed restless and dissatisfied. Duane knew him to be an inveterate gambler. And as Benson's place was out of running-order, Black was like a fish on dry land. "Wal, if you-all are afraid of the cairds, what will you bet on?" he asked, in disgust. "Bill, I'll play you a game of mumbly peg fer two bits." replied one. Black eagerly accepted.

I promote the well-being of these good mountain folks by giving them sight and by furnishing them with nick-nacks to delight the eye. If you-all are troubled with poor sight I'll be happy to fit you with glasses warranted to make you see double. More coffee, if you please. This is the real article. I think I'll have to make this camp my headquarters."

The two men glared at each other like dogs leaping against their collars, eager to bury their teeth in each other's throats. "By God," growled the elder man, "if you-all weren't a damned foreigner Ah'd kill you! But Ah suppose you don't know any better, and Ah've got to let you alone." He turned and walked to his buggy.

"I'd shout the drinks," MacDonald said, "only the house don't belong to me any more." "Yes, it does," Kearns replied, first wetting his lips with his tongue. "Your note's good for any length of time. But the drinks are on me." "Name your snake-juice, you-all the winner pays!" Daylight called out loudly to all about him, at the same time rising from his chair and catching the Virgin by the arm.

Cousin Irene has been very conscientious in trying to make a lady of me, but that was a part of her bargain, wasn't it?" Mrs. Halstead glared, but made no comment, and after a moment the girl went on wistfully: "Of course, if we could have grown fond of each other it would have made things easier, but I'm so different from you-all that I guess you couldn't really like me.

Jim Baggott waved toward the bar with one hand and openly wiped his eyes with the other. "Gonna make a gosh-almighty swell of her, are they? Well, I wish'm luck, but they'll never change her heart or break her spirit. She's our'n, an' she'll come back if I have to go after her myself, so help me! What you-all have?"