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On the 7th of February, 1703, forty-seven bushi, under the leadership of Oishi Yoshio, forced their way into the mansion of Kira Yoshihide; killed him in order to avenge the death of their feudal chief, Asano Naganori, daimyo of Ako; and then surrendered themselves to justice.

The era is memorable for the assassination of a shogun. Yoshiteru had become reconciled with Chokei and was suffered to live quietly at Muromachi. In 1565, this plot matured. Hisahide suddenly sent a force which attacked Yoshiteru's palace and killed the shogun. Yoshihide replaced the murdered potentate, and the Matsunaga family succeeded to the power previously wielded by the Miyoshi.

Yoshimitsu 1358 1367 1395 1408 Yoshimochi 1386 1395 1423 1428 Yoshikazu 1407 1423 .... 1425 Yoshinori 1394 1428 .... 1441 Yoshikatsu 1433 1441 .... 1443 Yoshimasa 1435 1443 1474 1490 Yoshihisa 1465 1474 .... 1489 Yoshizumi 1478 1493 1508 1511 Yoshiharu 1510 1521 1545 1550 Yoshiteru 1535 1545 .... 1565 Yoshihide 1565 1565 .... 1568 Yoshiaki 1537 1568 1573 1597

It will suffice to say that, under great provocation, the Ako feudatory drew his sword in the precincts of Yedo Castle and cut down Kira Yoshihide, for which breach of court etiquette rather than for the deed of violence, the Ako baron was condemned to commit suicide and his estates were confiscated.