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All of Montague's New York acquaintances were here in their splendour: Miss Yvette Simpkins, with her forty trunks of new Paris costumes; Mrs. Billy Alden, who had just launched an aristocratic and exclusive bridge-club for ladies; Mrs. Winnie Duval, who had created a sensation by the rumour of her intention to introduce the simple life at Newport; and Mrs.

We thought about ourselves mostly when we came here last September, but York Hill has made us despise our littleness and long to be bigger and broader; some of us didn't know how to use our bodies or our brains, but the School has taught us how to be true sports and how to think straight; some of us had mighty small ideals about what things really mattered; but York Hill has shown us how 'to play the game, and be true to the best we know." Judith faltered as she remembered how many times she had failed to live up to that best, her voice broke, and tears shone on her lashes.

DAWSON, W.H.: Matthew Arnold and his Relation to the Thought of our Time, New York, 1904. FITCH, SIR JOSHUA: Thomas and Matthew Arnold and their Influence on English Education, New York, 1897. GATES, L.E.: Selections from the Prose Writings of Matthew Arnold, New York, 1898. HARRISON, FREDERIC: Culture; A Dialogue. HUTTON, R.H.: Modern Guides of English Thought in Matters of Faith, London, 1887.

And Cornwallis was soon so hard pressed that he withdrew his troops to New York and in the end the Americans once more had complete control of the state of New Jersey.

She said she was quite ready to go to New York; she had been thinking it all over, and now she really wanted to go. He answered, soberly, that he had thought it over, too; and he did not wish to leave Boston, where he had lived so long, or try a new way of life if he could help it.

"Tribe of Ishmael," Oscar McCulloch in Proceedings of Fifteenth National Conference of Charities, pp. 154 sq. "The Rooney Family," see Charles Booth's "Life and Labor of the People," Vol. VIII, pp. 317 sq. "Life in New York Tenement Houses," William T. Elsing in "Scribner's," Vol. XI, pp. 677 sq. "An Experiment in Altruism," Miss Margaret Sherwood.

For by now I had moved about in the world a little, and had learnt that many counted Carford no better than a secret Papist, that he was held in private favour, but not honoured in public, by the Duke of York, and that communications passed freely between him and Arlington by the hand of the secretary's good servant and my good friend Mr Darrell.

Owing to a letter written by General Taylor to General Gaines, which was intended to be private and confidential, finding its way into the New York Morning Express, the Secretary of War issued the following: "WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, January 28, 1847.

Early in the piece, indeed, he had begun to suspect in the luring of his little sister a grotesque parallel to the bold advances made him by the New York society girl.

He insisted on marrying her and wrecking his life, and when I got her out of the way, as any father would have done, he left me. He has never forgiven me. Most of the time I haven't even the satisfaction of knowing were he is London, Paris, or New York. I try not to think of what he does. I ought to cut him off, I can't do it I can't do it, Hodder he's my one weakness still.