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Think of the captives you might miss by such an act! It were infinitely better advised to assume that the fugitives have taken the Charleroi-Dinant road, and to despatch, at once, say, half-a-dozen men in pursuit." Tardivet pondered the matter for some moments. "Yom are right," he agreed at last. "If they have resolved to continue their journey, a half-dozen men should suffice to recapture them.

"You bet they are, Nels," replied Charlie, looking into the pan. "Dan subbar vas ready. Yom on!" Nels picked up the frying-pan and Charlie the biscuits, and set them on the oilcloth-covered table, where a plate of butter, a jar of plum jelly, and a coffee-pot were already standing.

On Sunday, the day before Yom Kippur, when the Jews opened their stores for a few hours, a hired crowd of ruffians from among the local street mob fell upon the Jewish stores and began to destroy and loot whatever goods it could lay its hands on.

She then fainted, and till near ten lay on her bed, lit by the Yom Kippur candle, with open eyes, but without speech, her sere face still beautiful, on each temple a little pyramid of plaits, with gold-and-coral ear-rings: a holy belle. About ten P.M. three women watching heard her murmur: "My child, Rebekah...!" She was childless, and whom she meant was not known.

To-morrow was the feast, their first Yom Kippur since they had come together again, Esther, his wife, and Ruth and little Ben, the feast when, priest and patriarch of his own house, he might forget his bondage and be free. Poor little Ben!

Living on the fat of the land. Their butteries and larders. I'd like to see them do the black fast Yom Kippur. Crossbuns. One meal and a collation for fear he'd collapse on the altar. A housekeeper of one of those fellows if you could pick it out of her. Never pick it out of her. Like getting l.s.d. out of him. Does himself well. No guests. All for number one. Watching his water.

I must sew bread for Esther and for my child. I go to Schul at least once each Shabbas, Lord Do I not fill the deep ten Penitential Days from Rosh Ha Shonoh to Yom Ha Kippurim with seeking out of heart? He sews, he rips. The weeping of his child is done. Long stitches, here. She has found a chair's leg to play with. Her moist fingers clasp at the shrill wood.

They can understand and converse in Arabic after a fashion, but when speaking amongst themselves none of our party, Arab or European, could make out anything they said, and from such simple words as we were able to learn such, for example, as ouft for wadi, a valley, shur instead of yom for day, and kho instead of nahr for a river we were led to believe that they speak an entirely different language, and not a dialect as in the Hadhramout.

Smelling-salts passed from hand to hand, and men explained to one another that, but for the deprivation of their cigars, they could endure Yom Kippur with complacency.

"As a matter of fact, the Hebrew word 'Yom, which, in the story of the Creation, has been translated 'day, also means 'period. And it is a rather interesting thing, in this connection, that the biblical account mentions an evening to each of the first six 'days, but not to the seventh, which shows that it isn't finished yet.