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The echoes of passing events at Indian Spring had recorded the escape of Teresa as occurring at a remote and purely imaginative distance, and her probable direction the county of Yolo. "Can you remember," he one day asked her, "what time it was when you cut the riata and got away?" Teresa pressed her hands upon her eyes and temples. "About three, I reckon."

Our Army of the West still advances triumphantly unresisted into the heart of the enemy's country; the force at Yolo, which is a mere handful and quite without artillery, will probably be rooted out to-morrow. Addresses and congratulations pour in to General Osbourne; subscriptions to the great testimonial Osbourne statue are received at the Herald office every day between the hours of 10 and 4."

"Because I didn't care to." Teresa whistled incredulously. "All right then if you're not hiding, I'm going to." As he did not reply, she went on: "If I can keep out of sight for a couple of weeks, this thing will blow over here, and I can get across into Yolo. I could get a fair show there, where the boys know me. Just now the trails are all watched, but no one would think of lookin' here."

"Oh, that was YOU kicked up such a row, was it?" said the young man, with a shade of interest. "I reckon," said the woman, nodding her head, "and them that was with me." "And who are they?" "Sheriff Dunn, of Yolo, and his deputy." "And where are they now?" "The deputy in h-ll, I reckon; I don't know about the sheriff." "I see," said the young man quietly; "and you?"

"Perfectly until they find you are NOT in Yolo. Then they'll look here. And THAT'S the time for you to go THERE." Teresa smiled timidly. "It will take them some time to search Yolo unless," she added, "you're tired of me here." The charming non sequitur did not, however, seem to strike the young man. "I've got time yet to find a few more plants for you," she suggested. "Oh, certainly!"

I call him cowardly, he added, 'even in the face of the desperate Yolo expedition, for you see he is withdrawing all along the west, and Green, though now in the heart of his country, encounters no resistance. The General hopes soon to recover; his wound, though annoying, presents no character of gravity." He must have known that Green was hopelessly short of ammunition.

"Because I didn't care to." Teresa whistled incredulously. "All right then if you're not hiding, I'm going to." As he did not reply, she went on: "If I can keep out of sight for a couple of weeks, this thing will blow over here, and I can get across into Yolo. I could get a fair show there, where the boys know me. Just now the trails are all watched, but no one would think of lookin' here."

This retrogression, it seems, is in accordance with his original orders: he was either to hold Yolo, or if possible advance on Savannah via Brierly. This last he judged unwise, so that he was obliged to cling to Yolo itself. This also is seriously criticised in the best-informed circles. Osbourne himself is reported to be in Savannah.

All quiet at Sandusky; the army has fallen back into the city, and large reserves are still massed behind. The battle of Grierson is a distinct success; the enemy, with a heavy loss, have been beaten back to their own side. As to the vital engagement on the Sandusky and the heavy fighting before Yolo, it is plain that we must wait for further news of both.