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Some people used the yolk and the white together, some only one or the other, but the egg was, and is, always mixed with water. Some artists now put gum tragacanth into the mixture.

At hatching time the lime in the chick's body averaged about .20 grams and was always several times as great as the maximum of the eggs. Clearly calcium phosphate of the chick's bones is made by the digestion of the calcium carbonate from the shell and its combination with the phosphorus of the yolk. Certainly a remarkable and hitherto unexplained fact.

If respiration has ceased when the body is taken out of the water, it should instantly be commenced artificially, by putting a pipe into one nostril, and closing the mouth and the other nostril, and very gently blowing through it about 15 times in a minute; but it is a better plan to use a small pair of bellows, putting its muzzle into the nostril, at the same time the body should be wiped dry, and be assiduously rubbed with hot cloths; hot bricks and bottles of hot water should be put into the armpit, between the thighs, and to the feet; the head should be raised, the nostrils irritated with a feather, or the fumes of hartshorn, and a warm injection of turpentine, made as follows, may be thrown up oil of turpentine, 3 drachms; gruel, 1/2 a pint; and the yolk of 1 egg.

To make a Caudle for a sweet VEAL PIE. Take about a jill of white wine and verjuice mixed, make it very hot, beat the yolk of an egg very well, and then mix them together as you would do mull'd ale; you must sweeten it very well, because there is no sugar in the pie. This caudle will do for any other sort of pie that is sweet. To make SWEET-MEAT TARTS.

Press the yolks through a sieve into a bowl, and add the raw yolks of the remaining two eggs, with the parsley, salt and pepper. Beat the white of the raw eggs until light, not stiff, then work them into the yolk mixture. Cover the bottom of a shallow baking pan with part of this mixture, then fill the spaces in the whites with some of the remaining mixture.

Necessity is often the mother of invention. Yolk of egg, flour and water mixed is a good substitute for milk, and is often used in coffee in this country. Rye is frequently substituted for coffee and sage tea in place of the imperial. Sunday, Nov. 7. Left Vincennes at 7 o'clock. Crossed the meandering stream, Wabash, into Illinois. This river abounds in fish, ducks and geese.

The earlier idea had, in effect, declared the shell the most important part of the egg; this developed view assigned to the yolk its true position. In one other important regard the theory of Schleiden and Schwann now became modified. This referred to the origin of the cell.

I carried him indoors, and "mothered" the little helpless thing as well as I could, by feeding him with hard-boiled yolk of egg mixed with brown bread and water. Being a hard-billed bird, I supposed that would be suitable food, and certainly he throve upon it.

Put the yolks of four fresh raw eggs, with two hard-boiled ones, into a cold bowl. Rub these as smooth as possible before introducing the oil; a good measure of oil is a tablespoonful to each yolk of raw egg. All the art consists in introducing the oil by degrees, a few drops at a time. You can never make a good salad without taking plenty of time.

"The egg isn't really full when it comes from the mother fish," the foreman answered, "the yolk rattles around inside the shell, but after it has been mixed with the milt, it begins to suck up water, and in about half an hour it's full." "What happens next?" queried Colin. "That's about all.