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"I am proud to observe, however, that the relief expedition is composed of the most distinguished people in all Graustark. Is there any significance to be attached to the circumstance?" "Can't we also go strolling in the park, my dear?" plaintively asked Yetive. "It depends upon where we stroll, I fancy," suggested Marlanx derisively. Beverly flashed a fierce look at the head of the army.

The next morning, with Colonel Quinnox and a small escort, Beverly Calhoun set off in one of the royal coaches for Ganlook, accompanied by faithful Aunt Fanny. She carried the order from Baron Dangloss and a letter from Yetive to the Countess Rallowitz, insuring hospitality over night in the northern town.

I come to ask your permission to have him detailed for duty only in places where no suspicion can attach to any of his actions." "You mean inside the city walls?" asked Yetive. "Yes, your highness, and as far as possible from the fortress." "I think it is a wise precaution. Don't be angry, Beverly," the princess said gently. "It is for his own sake, you see.

" but he is in a position to give the most valuable information to an enemy. An officer has just informed me that Baldos missed not a detail in regard to the armament, or the location of vital spots in the construction of the fortress." "But he wouldn't be so base as to use his knowledge to our undoing," cried Yetive seriously. "We only know that he is not one of us.

"But she is bound to break out against us sooner or later and on the slightest provocation," said Yetive. "I daresay that a friendly alliance between Graustark and Dawsbergen will prove sufficient to check any ambitions she may have along that line," said Ravone significantly. "They are very near to each other now, your highness. Friends should stand together." Beverly Calhoun was in suspense.

In the hallway beyond a group of noblemen conversed excitedly with the women of the castle. "The report from the dungeons, Yetive," cried Lorry joyously. "The warden says that Gabriel is in his cell again! Here's to Prince Dantan!" Ravone was standing in the door. Candace ran over and leaped into his arms. Ravone was handsome in his borrowed clothes.

It is known that he is in Graustark and, moreover, it is asserted that he is in direct touch with your government." Yetive and her companions looked at one another with glances of Comprehension. He spoke in English now for the benefit of Beverly Calhoun, an interested spectator, who felt her heart leap suddenly and swiftly into violent insurrection.

Where recently she had sung his praises to Yetive and others, she now was strangely reticent. She was to understand another day why this change had come over her. Stories of his cleverness came to her ears from Lorry and Anguish and even from Dangloss. She was proud, vastly proud of him in these days.

"I think I know what you mean, Baldos," said Yetive, seeing that Beverly would not intervene. "We are sorry. No one trusts to your honor more than I do. My husband believes in you. I will confess that you are to be arrested as a spy to-morrow. To-night you are to serve as a guard in the castle. This should prove to you that I have unbounded faith in you.

A word to Quinnox and Ravone would be seized and searched for the mysterious paper. This, however, looked utterly unreasonable, for the vagabonds were armed and in force, while Yetive was accompanied by but three men who could be depended upon. Baldos, under the conditions, was not to be reckoned upon for support.