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''S lucky we didn't go no further, he said, as he came in after a few minutes. 'There's a big prec'pice over yender. Dunno how deep 't is. Guess we'd a found out purty soon. He cut some boughs of hemlock, growing near us, and spread them in a little hollow. That done, we covered them with the oilcloth, and sat down comfortably by the fire.

Th' flash was out'n a minit, an' Bill whipped up his hosses an' sent em clear to Mills' tavern on the dead run," said he, laughing as if it were a good joke. "They don't nobody like th' place ner th' man, though I don' know why, fer no one's ever passed a word with him in these parts. There 'tis, over yender with the pines around it an' th' high wall," said he, pointing with his finger.

But it's a long ways over yender, and while I ain't ever had any revelations myself, I'm pretty sure the Lord means to have me toler'bly well fed, and my back kept bone-dry on the way. And we got to have fat horses and fat cattle, not these bony critters with no juice in 'em. Did you hear what Brother Heber got off the other day?

"I never hurt a woman, and I would never hurt one," he protested, "and you that's sailed with me knows it. But that blasted, grinnin' effijiggy there stands for that rotten old punk-heap that's jest gone to pieces out yender, and it's the only thing I've got to get back on. Three months from Turk's Island, Cap'n Sproul, with a salt cargo and grub that would gag a dogfish!

The snow had ceased falling and the heavens were clear. "Ye see we're goin' right," said Solomon. "The sun'll be up in half an hour, but afore we swing to the trail we better git a bite. Gulf Brook is down yender in the valley an' I'd kind o' like to taste of it."

"Ride back like a streak o' lightnin', and tell Leftenant Lyon that the gorrillas is cleanin' out a house over yender!" said Life in hurried speech. "How fur back is the platoon?" "Not more than half a mile," said Fronklyn. "Go it, and don't let the grass grow under your hoss's irons!" The other scout went off at the fastest gallop of his steed, and soon disappeared beyond a turn in the road.

Ef I hed my way 'bout you, I 'd haul ye up t' th' top o' thet air dead pine over yender, 'n' let ye slide down." "Rather too steep, I should say," said his Lordship, wearily. "Ye wouldn't need no grease," said D'ri, with a chuckle. We were four days going to the Harbor. My father and his men came with us, and he told us many a tale, that journey, of his adventures in the old war.

Referring to the insensible detective. "No, leave him to me, old fellow. You have done your complete share in disposing of the man-tracker. I will complete the work." "Better dump him in yender." "No." Perry Jounce said no more, but moved swiftly away in the gloom. Then August Bordine hastened for assistance.

Then Dirk said, "It wur the skipper, sure. O Lord, men! but I be feared the 'Gull' be on the rocks, yender." The sweat stood in drops on his forehead, and he slowly clinched and unclinched his great brawny hands. Trafford heard his words, and a sudden faintness like death smote him. But it passed away, and in sudden frenzy and despair he rushed up to Dirk, exclaiming, "How do you know, man?

They shouted like cannibals, and bore down on all opposing objects with resistless force. I did not attempt an entrance. A rough, good-natured looking man stood on the platform outside. "Waal, no, miss, thar' ain't," said he, with a noonday smile, which informed me that there was yet something to hope for. "Thar's no Kedarville that I know on. Thar's a Wallencamp some miles up yender.