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"He went aboard the Trunella. He thought he 'd get down to Callao. But they tied the Trunella up at Guayaquil." "And you say he 's there now?" "Yes!" "And aboard the Trunella?" "Sure! He's got to be aboard the Trunella!" "Then why d' you say I can't get at him?" "Because Guayaquil and the Trunella and the whole coast down there is tied up in quarantine. That whole harbor's rotten with yellow-jack.

This was a peril that moved even the callous captains and their crews, for scurvy or yellow-jack developing in the hold was apt to sweep the decks clear as well. A most gruesome story appears in all the books on the slave trade, of the experience of the French slaver, "Rodeur."

If we had more generals like Gomez and Garcia and Maceo " "We've got three better generals than they." "You mean " "Generals June, July, and August." "Oh yes!" The artilleryman nodded his understanding. "There's no end of yellow-jack among the Spaniards. Speaking of that, what do you think of Miss Evans's work in the field hospitals?"

If he dies with the yellow-jack I'll git to cussin' as bad as ever." Haldane found Mrs. Arnot's coachman at the depot with the letter Laura had written. As he read it his face flushed with the deepest pleasure. Having a few moments to spare, he pencilled hastily: "MISS ROMEYN I have received from Michael the letter with the draft. Say to Mrs.

He closed up all the gambling-houses, and then issued licenses for public gambling to any one who would pay the fee and take his brother in as a partner. His profits must have been enough to make him independently rich without the spoons. He kept the city very clean, but old yellow-jack got in, and then Ben got a furlough and went up to Washington, and he took the spoons with him.

I felt the effects of my last attack with yellow-jack for two years afterward, and I am not afraid of it to-day. A short time after getting well of the fever, I was at the livery stable early one morning where I kept some of my horses. The stable was owned by my friends William and George Leonard, and they were large dealers in horses and mules.

We was twenty-four men down on the Ohio with yellow-jack, and not an ounce of anyskeptics did I swallow! And here I am, hale and hearty, as you'll admit." "And talking loud," said Seth Barker, "talking very loud, gentlemen!" Voices we had heard, human voices above us, when first we entered the cellar; and now, when the warning was uttered, we stood dumb for some minutes and heard them again.

"Then you'll sail by noon?" "We 've got to! They 've tied us up here over a month, without reason. They worked that old yellow-jack gag and not a touch of fever aboard all that time!" A great wave of contentment surged through Blake's weary body. He put his hand up on the smaller man's shoulder.

"How do I know that?" "You 'll have my word for it!" Tankred swung round on him. "D' you realize you 'll have to sneak ashore in a lancha and pass a double line o' patrol? And then crawl into a town that's reekin' with yellow-jack, a town you 're not likely to crawl out of again inside o' three months?" "I know all that!" acknowledged Blake.

The man on the bed did not answer for some time. When he spoke, he spoke without looking at the other man. "They said it was black-water fever. Then they said it was yellow-jack. But I know it's not. I think it's typhoid, or swamp fever. It's worse than malaria. I dam' near burn up every night. I get out of my head. I 've done that three nights. That's why the niggers won't come near me now!"