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But lor' sir, she's wonderful like her ma when it comes to paying a bill, not but what they're to be respected for keeping a heye on the purse. I often tell Yeander that if we were a bit more saving, like the vicar's lady, we'd lay by a bit for our old age. 'Yes, Mrs. Yeander, yes; that would be an excellent plan, said the curate, fumbling with his latch-key in the door.

'My good Mrs. Yeander began the curate in stern rebuke. 'Oh, no, sir, Mr. Higgs don't mean no harm. He only gets that riled at Mrs. Moore sometimes that he kind of lets off to Yeander and me. 'And I don't think, Mrs. Yeander, said the curate, for the third time, 'that Miss Violetta is at all like her mother. 'She's young yet, sir, said the woman.

'Suppose you come in and make my tea for me, Mrs. Yeander. I'm all alone to-night. 'I bethought I might do that, sir, when I came along. Yeander was in the shop, and I said, Mrs. Jones having gone to see her son, that you'd 'ave no one, so I just says to Yeander, "I'll step round, an' if I'm asked I'll make tea."

The western cloud was turning crimson, and the steep roofs and grey church-tower absorbed in sombre colours the tender light. The curate was going home to his lodgings, but he bethought him of his tea, and turned into the pastry-cook's by the way. 'Have you any muffins, Mrs. Yeander? he asked. 'No, sir, said the portly wife of the baker, in a sad tone, 'they're all over. 'Crumpets? said he.

Then he began to wonder if he was really losing his wits, and he plunged into talk with the woman, saying anything and everything to convince himself that he was not asleep or mad. 'Do you know, Mrs. Yeander, that I am going to be married? 'Well, I am sure, sir, said she, curtseying and smiling. 'It's a great compliment to me to hear it from your own lips; not that it's unexpected.

Yeander; you're quite mistaken in calling the Jews heathens. 'The meeting-place is down by the end of the street, sir a squarish sort of house. It's not been open in your time; likely you'll not know it. The new rabbi's been reading a couple of weeks to them. They do say it's awful queer. 'Oh, indeed! said the curate; 'what are their hours of service?

It was because he was flying from himself that he had let the woman talk until this speech of his had been made necessary; but at all times his humble friends in this town were well nigh irrepressible in their talk. This woman was in full tide now. 'They do say, sir, there's a difference between honest saving and greed. Mr. Higgs said to Yeander one day, says he, "Mrs.