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"Old York hates Hess like poison, a sentiment which Hess returns, according to rumour. I don't suppose you've told Clyde Burnaby your troubles?" Dunne stared at him. "Of course not! What do you take me for?" "That's all right, my son; don't swell up so. Why don't you tell her?" "Why the deuce should I? Do you think I go yawping my business affairs to every female I meet?"

"But it does seem more like four weeks; and how I'll ever stand two months of it, not ever seeing a soul but father " Andy looked reproachful, and also glad. Didn't she consider him a soul? And Take-Notice was her dad! To be sure, Take-Notice had never mentioned having a daughter, but then, in the range-land, men don't go around yawping their personal affairs.

Here you have the repose of the perfectly accepted instinct which includes passion and death in its perquisites. I suppose that the end of all our hammering and yawping will be something like the point of view of Jimville. The only difference will be in the decorations.

Petey bowed very low and swore that rather than make another touchdown on Kiowa he would suffer wild horses to tear him into little bits. Then Klingel began to get offside. "You hear what I say, you little shrimp!" he said politely. "If you don't take this thing and quit your yawping I'm going to make you do it." "Listen, you overfed mountain of pork!" said Petey, with equal cordiality.

Hope you're bogged down in jawbreakers the rest of the summer. Serves yuh right, but you needn't think you can take it out on me. And," he draped himself around the door jamb to add pointedly, "you should worry about the tulip song. If I'm willing to stand for you yawping day and night about the sun growin' co-old, and all that bunk " "Oh, beat it, and shut up!"

Even the press of Canada that Christ-forsaken land of bow-legged half-breeds which continues to lick the No. 7 goloshes of old Gilly Brown's leavings because it lacks sufficient sand to set up for itself barks across the border like a mangy fleabitten fice yawping at a St. Bernard.