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Allen had indicated this back door into the paradise, the gates of which were guarded against poor working-women by the flaming sword of public opinion, turning every way. And the girls were waiting yawningly, wearily, as the long unoccupied days passed. Laura's cheek grew paler than even her delicate style of beauty demanded. She seemed not only a hot-house plant, but a sickly one.

The cold stone tombs of centuries ago grow warm; and flecks of brightness dart into the sternest marble corners of the building, fluttering there like wings. Comes Mr. Tope with his large keys, and yawningly unlocks and sets open. Come Mrs. Tope and attendant sweeping sprites.

"Now then we should have it." Still there was delay. The sun peeped into the new-made graves and made blistering hot the gallows' floor. The old pump made its familiar music to the cool plash of blessed water. The grass withered in the fervid heat. The bronzed faces of the soldiers ran lumps of sweat. The file upon the jail walls looked down into the wide yard yawningly.

He threw himself back on his pillow and said yawningly, "Yes. That you, Sam? Why don't you come in?" "'Cause the door's locked." He rose and let Sleeny in; then threw himself back on the bed, stretching and gaping. "What did you make that infernal racket with?" "My new hammer," said Sam. "I just bought it to day. Lost my old one the night we give Farnham the shiveree." "Lemme see it."

But tonight he was too depressed to think of anything but the whimpering little dog imprisoned down in the tool-house. After a while, he fell asleep. A true watchdog sleeps with all his senses or the very edge of wakefulness. And when he wakens, he does not waken as do we humans; yawningly, dazedly, drunk with slumber. At one moment he is sound asleep.

Minto's deep breathing a foot away from the back of her head. Yawningly, she snuggled more comfortably into her pillow, and as consciousness slipped away a distant murmur seemed to repeat: "Yes ... yes.... I ... think so." In a mood of expectant triumph she slept, sure for the moment of the course of future events. xviii All the next day Sally's nerves were on edge.

As Bowen walked towards the gaol he met the scattered group of those who had been privileged to see the execution. They were discussing capital punishment, and some were yawningly complaining about the unearthly hour chosen for the function they had just beheld. Between the outside gate and the gaol door Bowen met the sheriff, who was looking ghastly and sallow in the fresh morning light.

When Mr. Kloh had gone off to the mill thrice returning from the gate to kiss Dlorus and to thank her rescuers Claire sat down and yawningly lashed off every inch of Dlorus's fair white skin: "You're at it already; taking advantage of that good man's forgiveness, and getting lofty with him, and rather admiring yourself as a spectacular sinner.

When the vote was taken, the House divided along party lines. Yawningly the Government members cried "No!" Robertson Jones sniffed contemptuously; evidently this was a sort of Friday afternoon dialogue, popular at Snookum's Corners, but not likely to cause much of a flutter in the city.

"Gee, but I'd like to see what's coming," Susan said thoughtfully. "Bed is coming next!" Mary Lou said, putting her arm about the girl. Upstairs they all filed sleepily, lowering the hall gases as they went. Susan yawningly kissed her aunt and Virginia good-night, on the second floor, where they had a dark and rather colorless room together.