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I was conscious at once that a singular constraint had come over the other guests a nervous awkwardness that at last seemed to make itself known to the man himself, who, after an affected yawn or two, laid down the paper and walked out. "That was a mighty close call," said one of the guests with a sigh of relief. "You bet!

"Hey-day," she says, with a little, idle yawn; "how I do wish everybody would not go out shooting, all at once. I think they might take it by turns. But all men are selfish; they never consider how lonely we may be." "I don't know," says Dulce, candidly; "I am only sure of this, that I want them always." Portia says nothing. "Well, certainly, at times they are amusing," says Mrs.

'What are you laughing at? 'What, indeed! If you could see with what a cold and indifferent face you brought out your compliment! I wonder you didn't yawn over the last word! 'A cold face.... You always want fire; but fire is of no use at all. It flares and smokes and goes out. 'And warms,... put in Alexandra Pavlovna. 'Yes... and burns. 'Well, what if it does burn!

When men come here, you always remind me of Madame Defarge and the dreadful knitting-women of the French Revolution. You have knitted all my admirers into that coverlet you are making. It's a sort of secret record, I do believe." She rose, with a slight laugh, suppressed a yawn in saying good-night, and went out of the room with a soft rustle of trailing draperies, leaving Mrs.

The terror lest there should be too little on the table, and the consequent danger of there being too much: the fear at once of worrying the cook with too many directions, and leaving any necessary thing unsaid: the trembling doubt of any power of entertainment that may exist in the house; the anticipation of a yawn on the part of any guest, or of such a silence as may make the creaking of the footboy's shoes heard at dinner, or the striking of the hall clock in the evening these are the apprehensions which make the young wife wish herself on the other side of her first dinner-party, and render alluring the prospect of sitting down next day to hash or cold fowl, followed by odd custards and tartlets, with a stray mince-pie.

He was reading them to us when you came." "Indeed! Since last Wednesday? How interesting!" Malcolm did not seem to find the topic interesting, for he smothered a yawn. His mother changed the subject. On their way home, however, she again referred to it. "You must make it a point to see her every day," she declared. "No matter what happens, you must do it." "Oh, Lord!" groaned her son, "I can't.

Sabina quite took her meaning, and suppressing another yawn she said angrily: "In these days we must be indulgent toward a husband who has chosen Ovid's amatory poems as his faithful companion. What is the matter Titianus?" While Balbilla had been relating her meeting with the sculptor Pollux, a chamberlain had brought in to the prefect an important letter, admitting of no delay.

And so I now have a trunk and a complete outfit, as well as these pretty things which I have on. It was only fair, wasn't it?" I turned away my head without a word. It was certainly quite fair; but I felt my cheeks flushing scarlet. Rose gave a yawn which ended in a groan: "I'm starving. Suppose we had some lunch; we could come back for the trunk afterwards."

Vervain asked if he had seen Don Ippolito, and wondered that the priest had not come about, al day. She told a long story, and at the end tapped herself on the mouth with her fan to punish a yawn. Ferris rose to go. Mrs. Vervain wondered again in the same words why Don Ippolito had not been near them all day.

Before they entered the hospital, however, another encounter happened of a very different character. Strolling along in the centre of the pavement, endeavouring after the almost impossible combination of a yawn and a cigar, they perceived a large figure in a very long great-coat, and with an aspect of languor and ennui which was unmistakable a hundred yards off.