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At Badoo, near Sibikillin 14 56 Near the Bafing 16 30 At Marraboo on the Niger 16 36 At Yamina 17 11 At Sansanding 17 40

Mr, Park stopped at a village near Yamina, where he purchased some corn, and dried his paper and clothes. As Yamina is much frequented by the Moors, Mr. Park did not think it safe to lodge there; he therefore rode briskly through it, and the people, who looked at him with astonishment, had no time to ask questions. On the following day, Mr.

After passing Koolikorro and Yamina, Park arrived at Samee, where he met with Isaaco, who told him that Mansong seemed favourably disposed towards the expedition, but that, whenever he attempted to enter into particulars, the king began to construct squares and triangles with his fingers upon the sand, and during the whole time that he spoke, seemed unwilling to withdraw his mind from these fits of geometrical study, and showed no anxiety to have a personal interview with the travellers.

Once she told me it was her sister, but the next day the photograph was gone from its place, and I never saw it again. Yamina thought the master was jealous, because our lady looked at it a great deal." "Was there any other lady in that house," Nevill ventured, "or was yours the master's only wife?" "There was no other lady at that time," Mouni replied promptly. "So far, so good," said Nevill.

But it was a long distance, and took us many days, because we had only a little money, and Yamina would not spend it in buying tickets for the diligence, all the way. We walked many miles, and only took a diligence when I cried, and was too tired to move a step farther. At night we drove sometimes, I remember, and often we rested under the tents of nomads who were kind to us.

Most of us slept in the canoes to prevent theft. September 14th. Departed from Deena early in the morning, and arrived at Yamina at forty-five minutes past four o'clock. Halted here the 15th, in order to purchase cowries. deg. " Observ. alt. Sun 79 63 0 0 16 0 79 52 0 10 8 0 3 7 0 Yamina Latitude 13 15 0 September 17th. deg. " Obser. mer. alt.

Early in the morning I pursued my journey, and at eight o'clock passed a considerable town called Balaba, after which the road quits the plain, and stretches along the side of the hill. I passed in the course of this day the ruins of three towns, the inhabitants of which were all carried away by Daisy, king of Kaarta, on the same day that he took and plundered Yamina.

From Sego they were sent, in company with a number of other captives, up the Niger in two large canoes, and offered for sale at Yamina, Bammakoo, and Kancaba; at which places the greater number of the captives were bartered for gold-dust, and the remainder sent forward to Kankakee.

Departure from Koolihori Ganifarra Scarcity of provisions Distressing situation of the Author from deaths and sickness of the party Escapes from three lions Intricate route to Koomikoomi Dombila Visit from Karfa Taura View of the Niger Reduced state of the party Bambakoo Losses from wolves Bosradoo; embark on the Niger; incidents in the voyage to Marraboo Isaaco sent to Sego with presents for Mansong Message from Mansong Course to Koolikorro Deena Yamina Samee Return of Isaaco; account of his interview with Mansong Messengers sent by Mansong, and enquiries respecting the Author's journey Quit Samee Excessive heat Reach Sansanding Account of that city and its trade Death of Mr.

Even in Paris the Hemerlingues found this invincible prejudice among the small foreign colonies, constituted, as they were, of little circles full of susceptibilities and local traditions. Yamina thus passed two or three years in a complete solitude whose leisure and spiteful feelings she well knew how to utilize, for she was an ambitious woman endowed with extraordinary will and persistence.