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But a year ago, should I have dreamed it possible for me to strut about a fashionable plage in white ducks, a pink shirt, and a yachting-cap? I trow not. They are signs of some sort of madness whether that of a Jaques or a dingo dog matters very little. Pasquale was the main cause of my taking Carlotta away from London.

Given a handful of small coal or charcoal, Madame appears capable of keeping it at work all day, and of boiling, baking, or roasting you innumerable dishes. Then there is the family. Who or what they all are, and where they all sleep, is a profound mystery. The family tree is usually headed by a decrepit and ruminant old gentleman in a species of yachting-cap.

If it is yachting, he has a chronometer with a gong in the cabin of a five-ton sailboat, possesses a nickle-plated machine to register the heel of his craft, sports a brass-bound yachting-cap and all the regalia. This is merely amusing. But I never could understand his insane desire to get sunburned. A man will get sunburned fast enough; he could not help it if he would.

Outside the tent a sound of running. The secretary of the fair, a German hardware-dealer with an automobile-cap like a yachting-cap, panted in, gasping: "Come quick! They won't wait any longer! I been trying to calm 'em down, but they say you got to fly. They're breaking over the barriers into the track. The p'lice can't keep 'em back."

He had given me a character, and had placed me upon a sound footing with one who would be, I foresaw, a Power on "Lorelei." "Thank you so much!" said she, with the promised burr-r so pronounced in her accent that she must, I thought, have spent the night in practising it. She then carefully selected the best chair, and took from another a blue silk cushion which matched her yachting-cap and veil.

I look for it in vain. Yet I don't know. . . . The man who puts on a yachting-cap, and asks if there's a bit of a sea on. It proves to be the case, and he is excessively unwell. I must look out for him next time I cross. And then?" "Then I shall settle in town and study. Oh, here's my father coming home." Lord Ashbridge approached down the terrace.

He dipped a bucket overboard, and after some search a small piece of soap and a broken comb were extracted from one of the lockers. With these materials they managed to perform their toilets. They re-arranged and cleaned each other's clothing too, and Ezra purchased a yachting-cap from Sampson for his father, the jaunty nature of which contrasted strangely with the old man's grim angular visage.

And up through the companionway came a head in a yachting-cap, followed by a slender boy in gray, with a frank, but homely visage. He gave the girls a keen glance, which they more modestly returned, and they privately decided, after a second look, that his eyes were fine and his smile a pleasant one, if he was slightly snub-nosed and freckled.

It did not; but there did appear a tall youth, who approached one of the groups of travelers with more show of confidence than he felt. He pulled off his new yachting-cap and addressed the man nearest him: "Are you going to Asquam, sir?" "I am, if the blamed trolley-car ever shows up." "Have you baggage?" "Couple of trunks." "Are you sending them by the electric freight?"

"I wonder what Jamaica rum is like as a steady drink," mused the ex- baseball reporter, who had been converted into a war-correspondent by the purchase of a white yachting-cap. "It won't be long before Keating finds out," said the Journal man. "Oh, I didn't know that," ventured the new reporter, who had just come South from Boston. "I thought he didn't drink.