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Lindon would have stopped her. 'S-stay, y-y-y-you he stuttered. But I caught him by the arm. 'If you will be advised by me, you will let her go. No good purpose will be served by a multiplication of words. 'Atherton, I I'm disappointed in you. You you haven't behaved as I expected. I I haven't received from you the assistance which I looked for.

Dick leaped from his bunk and began to dress. Dave and Greg followed suit. "We'll do our best to find out what it is, fellows," Dick promised them. Hen Dutcher was chattering and half sobbing. "If I I ever g-g-get out of this alive," he chattered, "I'll never stick around y-y-y-you fellows again. I was a f-f-f-fool to let you fellows coax me into staying here."

Finding himself helpless in that strange weakness, Monty ceased to wriggle, and demanded: "How y-y-y-you get here, a-a-a-nyway?" "Oh! I just followed. When you ran away I ran after." "A-a-a-aunt Eu-Eu-nice let you?" "I didn't stop to ask her permission. I saw I'd hurt your feelings, and I couldn't let you go without telling you I was sorry.

It come from L-l-l-awson's, d-d-down at Washin'ton, an' I b-bought it for y-y-y-you!" "Why, honey darlin' " A sudden light came into the old man's eyes. He seized the lamp and hurried to the door of the bed-chamber, and looked in. This was enough. Perhaps it was mean but he could not help it he set the lamp down on the table, dropped into a chair, and fairly howled with laughter.

Once, after traveling all day in a pouring rain, on alighting at her inn, the coachman, dripping all over with wet, offered his arm to help her out of the coach, when she exclaimed, to the great amusement of her fellow-travelers, "Oh, no, no! y-y-y-you will give me m-m-m-my death of c-c-c-cold; do bring me a-a-a-a dry man."