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They said to him, "Pray the Lord to provide a profitable pastor for your church," but their voices were dim in his ears, and only when they had asked it thrice he said, "God grant it!" The third election brought in great Grosseteste. The company then withdrew for compline, and as they ended the xci.

Dionisio Vasquez. St. Teresa was commanded by our Lord to ask Father Baltasar Alvarez to make a meditation on Psalm xci. 6: "Quam magnificata sunt opera Tua." The Saint obeyed, and the meditation was made. Juana de Ahumada, wife of Juan de Ovalle. One day, she went with her sister she was staying in her house to hear a sermon in the church of St. Thomas.

Considering the fact that it furnished potable liquid for ourselves and horses, and that the line of trees which skirted the bluff was available for firewood, our camp compared well with many which we subsequently made in our summer's explorations. SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT PL. XCI^b

XC. To show himself aware of the passion of his wife is the mark of a fool; but to affect ignorance of all proves that a man has sense, and this is in fact the only attitude to take. We are taught, moreover, that everybody in France is sensible. XCI. The rock most to be avoided is ridicule. "At least, let us be affectionate in public," ought to be the maxim of a married establishment.

'Twas only by chance that Esmond, wandering in Kensington, found his mistress coming out of a mean cottage there, and heard that she had a score of poor retainers, whom she visited and comforted in their sickness and poverty, and who blessed her daily. * What indeed? Psm. xci. 2, 3, 7.

Since it is written, Psalm xci, "A thousand shall fall on the left hand and ten thousand on the right hand."

'Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. PSALM xci. 9, 10. It requires a good deal of piecing to make out from the Hebrew the translation of our Authorised Version here.

Represented under the figure of Apollo, sitting on the Lion, with rays shooting from his head, and the world in his hand. I believe the first phrase is, "Tune est Domus solis;" but there is a letter gone after the "quo," and I have no idea what case of signum "signe" stands for. SECTION XCI. Fifth side. Venus, in her houses Taurus and Libra. The most beautiful figure of the series.

Experiments on the Solar and on the Terrestrial Rays that occasion Heat; with a comparative View of the Laws to which Light and Heat, or rather the Rays which occasion them, are subject, in order to determine whether they are the same or different. Phil. Trans., vol. xci.

For Christ the Lord hates those ways, and has judged them, and doomed them to destruction; and he reigns, and will reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. PSALM xci. 5. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night. You may see, if you will read your Bible, that the night is spoken of in the Old Testament much as we speak of it now, as a beautiful and holy thing.