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This beacon was completed in September 1821. Floating Lights Objections to Mitchell’s Screw-moorings Experiments on the Maplin Sand Foundation Erection of Screw-pile Lighthouse Details of the Wyre Lighthouse Proposed Lighthouse on the Goodwin Sands Metallic Lighthouses Advantages of Metal over Stone Details of Cast-iron Lighthouse at Morant Point, Jamaica.

Signals put out by vessels requiring a Wyre pilot will also be understood at this lighthouse, where corresponding signals are hoisted until the pilot is provided. This admirable and useful structure was erected in two of the shortest day months of the year, in which time day-light did not occur at any low-water period; the workmen therefore had to depend on torches and moonlight.

Thus with store of choice and quaint words, and wyre drawne phrases, they huddle up and make a hodge-pot of a laboured contexture of the reports which they gather in the market places or such other assemblies.

For several months this identical road spoiled the effect of numerous Sunday evening sermons; but, it is now in a fair state of order. St. Mark's Church, is situated on the north-western side of the town, between Wellington-terrace and the Preston and Wyre Railway, and was opened on the 22nd of September, 1863.