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"I'm glad they's a West," Pinkey replied, cryptically. "You and Miss Spenceley are from the same section, I take it?" "Yep Wyomin'." "Er by the way" Wallie's tone was elaborately casual "what did she mean yesterday when she called me 'Gentle Annie'?" Pinkey moved uneasily. "Could you give me the precise significance?" persisted Wallie. "I could, but I wouldn't like to," Pinkey replied, drily

He's the kind I like to foller, an' we ain't goin' to see no sich sight ez the one we saw at Wyomin'." "I'm sure we won't," said Henry. "Now have any of you slept to-day?" "All o' us hev took naps, not long but mighty deep an' comfortin'. So we're ready fur anythin' from a fight to a foot race, whichever 'pears to be the better fur us." "Where are Paul and Tom and Jim?"

"They call him Hell-Bent Wade. I seen him in Wyomin', whar he were a stage-driver. But I never heerd who he was an' what he was till years after. Thet was onct I dropped down into Boulder. Wade was thar, all shot up, bein' nussed by Sam Coles. Sam's dead now. He was a friend of Wade's an' knowed him fer long. Wal, I heerd all thet anybody ever heerd about him, I reckon.

I don't like to see houses an' sech like go up in fire an' smoke, but after what wuz done at Wyomin' an' all through that valley, burnin' is a light thing." "We're bound to strike back with all our might," said Paul, who had the softest heart of them all. "Now, I wonder who's in this here town," said Tom Ross. "Mebbe Timmendiquas an' Brant an' all them renegades." "It may be so," said Henry.

"And then I'd make him educate 'em gin 'em a chance," sez I; "but whether he gives it or not the bell of Freedom is a-echoin' clear from Wyomin' to Ingy, and it sounds clear under them veils. They will be throwed off whether he is willin' or not, and I'd love to tell him so." Sez Josiah, "I guess it will be as the Rager sez."

"That's the medicine!" he cried. "I wonder how you like that, you Butlers an' Johnsons an' Wyatts an' Mohawks an' all the rest o' your scalp-taking crew! Ah, thar goes another! This ain't any Wyomin'!" The three-pounders also opened fire, and sent their balls squarely into the rifle pits and the Indian camp.

Columbine had sensed this very significance long before when the possibility of Buster Jack's return had been rumored. She knew cowboys. As well try to change the rocks of the hills! "Boys, the day you leave White Slides will be a sad one for me," sighed Columbine. "Miss Collie, we 'ain't gone yet," put in Lem, with awkward softness. "Jim has long hankered fer Wyomin' an' he jest talks thet way."

"I reckon that after Wyomin' an' Chemung, Timmendiquas wasn't able to bring back more than half his men." "If the Wyandots lost so many in trying to help the Iroquois, won't that fact be likely to break up the big Indian league?" asked Paul. Tom Ross shook his head, but Henry answered in words: "No, the Indians, especially the chiefs, are inflamed more than ever by their losses.