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Dr. Little, and the Briers, and all them that turned against her, will say to that? It will be a particularly sweet morsel for the Owens. I must call round and visit each one of them, to enjoy their discomfiture." "What a thing it is to be ignorant and narrow-minded," added Mrs. Wynn. "I can't see how people get along through life without any knowledge of human nature.

"Really, Ruth," he exclaimed one day, when they had been imprisoned by rain a whole morning, "one would think you had never seen a shower of rain before; it quite wearies me to see you sitting there watching this detestable weather with such a placid countenance; and for the last two hours you have said nothing more amusing or interesting than 'Oh, how beautiful! or, 'There's another cloud coming across Moel Wynn."

A suggestion to Bles that he might profitably extend his acquaintance sent him to a certain tailor shop kept by a friend of hers; a word to the tailor guarded against the least suspicion of intrigue entering Bles's head. It turned out quite as Miss Wynn had designed; Mr.

Of course this worthy person, "afterwards one of the judges of the Common Pleas," had simply sent down his agent and bought the place. "I believe," added Mr. Wynn, "I could without much difficulty name some who are now in the same situation." No doubt he could. Sir William Wyndham came on to speak. Wyndham was now, of course, the close ally of Bolingbroke. He hated Walpole.

We'll have to be quick, though, and pull off the work before they leave in the Sylvia." "Where are Gerald Wynn and Bob Katz?" "Lopez says they're staying at Hogan's bungalow. I know where that is. Will you go?" Clancy hesitated. "You're afraid I'm working some underhand scheme, eh?" said Burton. "Well, forget it. All I want in this world is to break even with Wynn and Katz.

"Stand where you are, you bloomin' beach comber," yelled Hogan, "or I'll blow a hole through you!" Katz swore, and continued his forward movement. "Last call!" went on the captain. "Another step this way and I'll shoot!" "You're a robber!" cried Katz. "You and Wynn, between you, have skinuned me out of seventy-five hundred dollars!" "Where did you get the money?" demanded Hogan ironically.

Thus directly appealed to, she had to turn to him, and I heard him explaining his question, which she affected not to understand; heard also her answer, given with icy sweetness, and without even a glance in my direction. "Oh, no, I am sure Mr. Wynn is not capable of inventing such an excuse." Thereupon she resumed her conversation with Cassavetti.

"He won't have the chance of getting into any more for some time to come. I shall take care of that!" Mary asserted, with pretty severity. "Put his collar on, Jim; and we'll get him into the brougham." "My motor's outside, Mrs. Cayley. Do have that. It's quicker and roomier. Come on, Wynn; take my arm; that's all right. You stand by on his other side, Cayley. Sir George, will you take Mrs.

He longed to express his gratitude, but feared to betray the young girl's trust. The Reverend Mr. Wynn speedily relieved his mind. "No," he continued, bestriding a chair, and familiarly confronting Low over its back. "No, sir no! And you want me to say 'No, don't you, regarding the little walks of Nellie and a certain young man in the Carquinez Woods? ha, ha!

What was his motive for endeavouring to ingratiate himself with young Wynn for the next twenty minutes? 'Now, mister, if it's a fact that you be settling, I can give you a chance of some of the finest lots of land ever offered for sale in Montcalm township.