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"We'd better try to get him out. What about the guard and engine-driver?" "The engine-driver and stoker are both alive," the porter told him. "I came across them before I saw you. They're both knocked sort of sillylike, but they aren't much hurt. The guard's stone dead." "Where are we?" "A few hundred yards from Wymondham. Let's have a look for the other gentleman." Mr.

Wymondham, once famous for its abbey, is noted for its "Green Dragon," a beautiful half-timbered house with projecting storeys, and in our wanderings we must not forget to see along the Brighton road the picturesque "Star" at Alfriston with its three oriel windows, one of the oldest in Sussex. It was once a sanctuary within the jurisdiction of the Abbot of Battle for persons flying from justice.

And now, son, an thou wilt come thou shalt take thy letter to Wymondham 'tis a cell of this Abbey for there is Brother Andreas from overseas who hath wondrous skill with the brush; he will teach thee, for thou shalt say to him that Brother Amadeus sent thee, who is now as Bartimeus, waiting for the light of the Lord; but first thou shalt set me in that village of Bungay, where my mother dwelleth."

As you know, they got smashed up at Wymondham, and Gerald, feeling in a way responsible for him, brought him on here; quite properly, I think. Sarson has been looking after him, but I am afraid he has slight concussion of the brain." "I shall remember this all my life," Lord Saxthorpe declared solemnly, "as one of the most singular coincidences which has ever come within my personal knowledge.

Gerald nodded. "Our train ran off the line and pitched down an embankment. Mr. Dunster has concussion of the brain. He and I were taken to a miserable little inn near Wymondham. From there I hired a motor-car and brought him here." "You hired a motor-car and brought him here," Mr. Fentolin repeated softly. "My dear boy forgive me if I find this a little hard to understand.

I must see a fellow in my brigade who is in a shell-shock hospital in the Cotswolds. Isham's the name of the place. The two men exchanged glances. 'This looks like fate, said Bullivant. 'By all means go to Isham. The place where your work begins is only a couple of miles off. I want you to spend next Thursday night as the guest of two maiden ladies called Wymondham at Fosse Manor.

For she belonged to the out-of-doors and to the old house and to the world at large. She belonged to the war, and to that happier world beyond it a world which must be won by going through the struggle and not by shirking it, like those two silly ladies. I could see Wake's eyes often on the girl, while he boomed and oraculated and the Misses Wymondham prattled.

Now he, Hilarius, having seen much evil and the justice of the Almighty, would get him in peace to Wymondham, there to learn to be a cunning limner; and having so learnt would joyfully hie him back to Prior Stephen and his own monastery. Presently the way led somewhat uphill, and he saw to his right a small hamlet.

He was looking at the few words scrawled across the pink sheet with a heavy black pencil: "Make every enquiry in your neighbourhood for an American, John P. Dunster, entrusted with message of great importance, addressed to Von Dusenberg, The Hague. Is believed to have been in railway accident near Wymondham and to have been taken from inn by young man in motor-car.

Alban's had under himself the cell of Tynemouth in Northumberland and two others in Norfolk-viz., Binham and Wymondham, the latter of which eventually became an independent abbey and the heads of these cells or subject houses were called Priors. An abbey was a monastery which was independent. A priory was a monastery which in theory or in fact was subject to an abbey.