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"Mother didn't want to come to Boston to live; but when my uncle John Wybern, mother's brother, died three years ago, he died in Munich; he was an artist, like my father, and we'd all lived together, since my father's death, we came on here, as uncle had advised, because he knew some one here in an importing-house who would get David a situation. He didn't want David to be an artist.

When a little later I heard that the artist was dead, and his effects for sale, I tried to buy the etching, but was told that it had been given to a friend, a Mr. John Wybern. Since then, I have learned that Mr.

Where were you then, Mademoiselle?" "In Munich, where my mother and I had lived with my uncle John Wybern, since my father's death, years ago." "Your uncle! John Wybern was your uncle? So so is it possible, is it possible? And I find the two objects I have been hunting, so far apart, together! It is most astonishing and yet most simple. And your mother your mother is living?

Wybern has also died, and I started again on my search; but it has been fruitless so far, though I still hope I may come across it, and be able, if not to add it to my collection, to examine it again. The artist, by the way, is the same one that painted that remarkable picture, 'Rebecca the Jewess." Laura turned hastily around to look for Esther. She had not to look far.

And the next moment Laura was being introduced to "My cousin, David Wybern," a tall, good-looking boy of fifteen or sixteen, with beautiful dark eyes like Mrs. Bodn's. The next moment after that, when this tall, good-looking boy, in addressing Mrs. Bodn, called her "Aunt Rebecca," like a flash these thoughts went flying through Laura's mind,

Jack Brooks himself seemed to forget that David Wybern looked like a Jew, even before it was found that David and all of his people were of the most unmixed Puritan stock! "And I, too," thought Laura, "I, too, muddled and mistook things as I shouldn't, if Esther and her mother had lived in a different quarter.