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He asked me over 40 questions to a lamp-post, for I counted 'em; and there wuz 18 posts. Good land!

Well, how happy everybody wuz; how good they looked to me and I to them, I knew it by their liniments. How the children doted on me and their Pa, how dear little Tommy hung round us.

Dey wuz a kinda noise goin' on by de ba'n, but Lijah, he ain't got no likin' fo' to get up an' see wat's de mattah. So he tu'n ovah, an' bambye he ain't heah no mo' noise, an' he go to sleep ag'in. In de mawnin' w'en he go to milk de cow, sho'nuf dey wuz a hawg a-lyin' on its side, daid. Lijah, he scratch his haid an' tu'n de hawg ovah wid his foot.

Here is the tomb of the King of Rome, Napoleon's only son, and his ma, Maria Louise. I had queer feelin's as I stood by them tombs and meditated how much ambition and heart burnin' wuz buried here in the tomb of that young King of Rome.

Dorothy bein' naterally so smart, wuz impressed by all we had seen, I could see she wuz, and when he wuzn't lookin' at her I could see her eyes rest on Robert Strong's face with a new expression of interest and approval. But she wuz full of light, happiness and joy as she ort to be in her bright youth and she and Robert and Miss Meechim spoke of the trip ahead on us with happy anticipations.

But she said "that she felt that the walk would do her good." I then reminded her of the stanchils, but she said "stanchils and religion wuz two separate things." Which I couldn't deny, and didn't try to. And she sot off for the school-house that evenin' a-walkin' a foot.

Logan said Grover Cleveland was the one to go to: he wuz a sot man, and would do as he agreed. And Mr. Cleveland sent him to Mr. Edmunds. And Mr. Edmunds told him to go to Samuel G. Tilden, or Roswell P. Flower. And Mr. Flower sent him to William Walter Phelps. And Mr. Phelps said that Benjamin P. Butler or Mr. Bayard was the one to do the errent. And Mr.

He rolled right over an' over to'rds us, n' befo' we c'd rightly see wat wuz comin', we cu'dnt see anythin' 'tall; we wuz all grabbin' at nothin', some'rs underneath the whale. When I come to the top, I lit eout fer the fust thing I c'd see to lay holt of, which wuz old squarhead himself, deader 'n pork. I guess thet ar bomb o' yourn kinder upset his commissary department.

He never looked at her; his face was now too turned toward the dying sun. "Do ye remimber the day ye left me in the ould counthry, Mary, wid yer own Tom; an' how I walked wid ye to the turnin' of the road? It wuz spring thin, an' the hedges all white wid blossoms. Look at thim two over there, Mary, wid their arms full o' flowers. Don't be breakin' their hearts, child."

Dat our folks wuz, an' allus wuz, de very fust fambly o' Virginy! I tells him, dat Marse Robert's father was General Light Horse Harry Lee dat help General Washington wid de Revolution. Dat he wuz de Govenor o' ole Virginy. Dat he speak de piece at de funeral o' George Washington, dat we all knows by heart, now "'Fust in war, fust in peace and fust in de hearts o' his countrymen.