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She does keer, now, but she won't never take me now, she says, because it 'ud be wrongin' me; and I might 'a' knowed what she'd 'a' said, what it was nateral and noble for her to say. "But," continued George Olver, with a flash of magnificent fire in his eyes, and thrusting his arm out straight; "what's right atween me and my God needn't be afeard o' no man's face!

After being tired with her company I landed her at White; Hall, and so home and at my office writing letters till 12 at night almost, and then home to supper and bed, and there found my poor wife hard at work, which grieved my heart to see that I should abuse so good a wretch, and that is just with God to make her bad with me for my wrongin of her, but I do resolve never to do the like again.

The bag wuz full of her longer ones," sez she, "but I felt that I must let you hear her poem on spring. It is a gem. I felt it would be wrongin' you, not to give you that treat. Read it Ardelia." I see Ardelia wuz used to obeyin' her ma. She opened the sheet to once, and begun. Jest the minute Ardelia stopped readin' Miss Tatt says proudly: "There! haint that a remarkable poem,?"

After being tired with her company I landed her at White; Hall, and so home and at my office writing letters till 12 at night almost, and then home to supper and bed, and there found my poor wife hard at work, which grieved my heart to see that I should abuse so good a wretch, and that is just with God to make her bad with me for my wrongin of her, but I do resolve never to do the like again.