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As good luck would have it, however, the clergyman at Wrode, who knew the Wilsons, happened to speak to me of the murder all England called it the murder and talked of nothing else for at least a fortnight, and in the course of conversation he mentioned this apparatus of Mr. Callingham's construction. 'What a pity, he said, 'there didn't happen to be one of them in the library at the time!

"Now, Una, do try to remember all you can as I go along with my story... Well, I rode over alone, never telling anybody at Wrode where I was going, nor giving your step-father any reason of any sort to expect me. I trusted entirely to finding him busy with his new invention.

"I'd found out almost everything; not, of course, exactly by way of legal proof, but to my own entire satisfaction: and I determined to lay the matter definitely at once before Mr. Callingham. So I took a holiday for a fortnight, to go bicycling in the Midlands I told my patients; and I fixed my head-quarters at Wrode, which, as you probably remember, is twenty miles off from Woodbury.

You knew where I was staying, you recollect " At the words, a burst of memory came suddenly over me. "Oh yes!" I cried. "I remember. It was at the Wilsons', at Wrode. I wrote over there to tell you we were going to dine alone at six that evening, as papa had got his electric apparatus home from his instrument-maker, and was anxious to try his experiments early.