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The Laning girls stood waiting on the porch, and once they were in the car, the machine was headed in the direction of the Sanderson cottage. Nellie occupied the front seat with Tom, while Sam was in the tonneau with Grace and Songbird. The younger girl was in her usual happy mood, but Nellie's face showed worriment.

To tell the truth I had a great deal of worriment with one thing and another, getting here; but it's all right now," he added, with a radiant face. "You shall go with me to my house and rest, as soon as I have dismissed these boys," said Mr. Conway, earnestly; and turning to Albert and Lyman, who anxiously waited, he spoke to them about their errand.

So imagine me, after having passed chapels built into rocks, and things most curious, but the whole under the strain of an intolerable sun, coming, something after midday, to a place called Castel-Nuovo, the first town, for Campogiamo is hardly a town. 'This is an odd thing, I mused. 'Here is a little worriment of a town up in the hills, and what a powerful lot of bridges!

But this worry alone would not have produced a dream; the motive power needed by the dream had to be contributed by a wish, and it was the affair of the worriment to procure for itself such wish as a motive power of the dream.

And this you may well enough believe when you bear in mind how much I had passed through since the last sleep I had on board the ship, for since then had come the shipwreck, the saving of the Dean and carrying him ashore, the walk around the island, besides all the anxiety and worriment of mind in consequence of my own unhappy situation and the Dean's uncertain fate.

"I am heartily sorry," she replied, "since if I had known you really cared for me so much I would never have married you. Oh, it is impossible!" the girl laughed, with a trace of worriment. "You had not laid eyes on me until a week ago yesterday!"

Here was defiance of authority and dignity, a sensation which should have racked East Harniss from end to end. But most of the men in the village, the tradespeople particularly, had another matter on their minds, namely, Major Cuthbertson Scott Hardee, of "Silverleaf Hall." The Major and his debts were causing serious worriment.

Whither had his own ruinous Congress gaiters gone? to what destination which they would never have reached had he been in them? Had they carried their temporary possessor into any such worriment and trouble as he himself had often traveled through on their worn but faithful soles?

To Janice, too, he sent a brief message of love and good cheer, stating that letters to her were already in the mail. The relief Janice felt is not to be easily shown. To be positive, after these hours of uncertainty and after the long weeks of worriment that had gone before that dear Daddy was really alive and well, seemed too good to be true.

They ate and then, in company of other tattered youngsters climbed the sandy slopes of San Blas hill to get a view from that spot of the soldiers on Atocha avenue. Manuel stretched out lazily in the sun, filled with the joy of finding himself absolutely free of worriment, of gazing upon the azure sky which extended into the infinite. Such blissful comfort induced in him a deep sleep.