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Her wise soul knew that the Emptiness must come first the awful world-old Emptiness which for an endless-seeming time nothing can fill And all smug preachers of the claims of life and duty must be chary of approaching those who stand desolate gazing into it. "I could only remember," the broken heart-wringing voice went on.

So, thinking of her with the brightening of spirits which is the first symptom of the world-old emotion called love, Lite rounded the eastern arm of the bluff and came within sight of the coulee spread before him, shaped like the half of a huge platter with a high rim of bluff on three sides. His first involuntary glance was towards the house, and there was unacknowledged expectancy in his eyes.

No human being could have been a greater orator than Douglas was at Alton; while Lincoln, in spite of disadvantages of voice and manner and physique, rose to great heights of eloquence. The climax of his speech was when he spoke of the world-old struggle between right and wrong. I was swept off my feet for the moment and seemed to see in his face something of the genius of Pinturicchio.

"You mustn't be mean, Sandy; besides, you are to pay it all back." "How?" That word was all Sandy could master for a sharp pain in his throat drove all else he meant to say back. "Why, you are going to set me free you must marry me!" Like a child playing with fire Cynthia heedlessly spoke these words. They had no deeper significance to her than the lilt of a world-old song.

She knew of what passion he was capable, and how absurd he would have looked if lashed by it while her cool eyes looked on. His self-control made him magnificent. "I never shall marry," she said, and then laughed, in spite of herself, at the world-old formula. Burleigh laughed also.

And she tries to ease a world-old human curse by imitating the occupations, points of views, and methods of a radically different being. Can she realize her quest in this way? Generally speaking, nothing is more wasteful in human operations than following a course which is not native and spontaneous, not according to the law of the being.

Small wonder that the mountains, the desert, the vinelands, and orchard-lands, and rose-lands of California, the half-orientalism of San Francisco and the Pacific Ocean with its world-old mystery of untamed immensity should fill each day with a newer interest; or that the conditions of soldier life at Camp Merritt beside the Golden Gate, to which the eager-hearted, untrained young student from the Kansas prairie brought all his youthful enthusiasm and patriotism and love of adventure, should wound his spirit and test his power of self-control.

It was just the world-old spirit that makes the veriest little weed struggle through a chink in the rock and reach upward toward the sun. "What's the matter with your hair, Lovey Mary? It looks so funny," asked a small girl, coming up the steps. "If anybody asts you, tell 'em you don't know," snapped Lovey Mary. "Well, Miss Bell says for you to come down to the office," said the other, unabashed.

He was struggling against a mighty, world-old Giant, born the day that God's first man was created, and destined to live with all God's men from that time forth: Passion. Time and again he went far out of his way to pass by the house near Washington Square, admittedly surreptitious in his movements.

And the primordial diluviums and world-old torrents, great and small, rushing down from the Bohemian Highlands, from the Saxon Metal Mountains, with such storming, gurgling and swashing, have swept away the soft parts, and left the hard standing in this chaotic manner, and bequeathed it all to the Elbe, and the common frosts and rains of these human ages.