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And Shorty replied with deep feeling: "Just out o' sight. How in the world'd you ever come to enlist and leave all this?" The neighbors began gathering in fathers, mothers and sisters of members of Co. Q, all full of eager questions as to their kindred, and this relieved Shorty, for he could tell them quite as well as Si. The supper ended, the problem of the money in the gun again loomed up.

But Vessons was, as he would have phrased it himself, 'in full honey-flow, and not to be silenced. 'Single she be, and single she'd ought to stay. This 'ere rubbitch of kissing and clipping! 'But, Vessons, if there were no children gotten, the world'd be empty. 'Let 'un be. 'Im above'll get a bit of rest, nights, from their sins. 'Eh, I like that old chap, thought Hazel.

All your life you've boasted till I thought the world'd come to an end, an' I ain't never said a word against it. Now you can't teach me none of your bad habits, because I won't learn 'em, so don't try."

"For funk, sir," panted the boy, recovering. "Oi don't care for being shotted. So when the guns begins to bang, Oi goos to bed." The Gentleman threw back his head and ran off into laughter. "You're the right sort, Mr. Toad. Come on board by all means. But for you and your likes the world'd be a dull place." Kit clambered in. "What's that bag?" asked the Gentleman, swift as a sword.

"Get along with your 'females'!" fired up 'Beida, springing to arms for her sex. "I'd like to know where the world'd be without us. But don't you see that 'tisn' like Mother to be so daggin' to quit the old house?" "She wants to get the grievin' over, I tell you," 'Bert maintained.

Flory, an' it's well for you you've come," said Carroll. "Jist you sit steady there, 'cause it won't do the laist good in life you're moving about where all the world'd see you."

"'I think so too, sir, says the orse-captain. 'Still General Beauchamp got an express from Pitt to that effect last night. Some chap swore he'd seen him. And we all know if there's any man in the world'd do it, it's Fighting Fitz. "'I am Fighting Fitz, says the Genelman. 'There's no landing except what has took place." Knapp dried his eyes.

Jackson rose in his stirrups, dropped his lead line and forsook more than a hundred and fifty thousand dollars some two mule-pack loads of gold. His own yell rose high in answer. "I told ye all the world'd be here!" he shouted back over his shoulder. "Do-ee see that old thief Jim Bridger? Him I left drunk an' happy last summer? Now what in hell brung him here?"

"Ullán! What sort of English is that for an interpreter to be using! Do ye suppose the general public knows what is an ullán?" interrupted Mr. Heraty with lightning rapidity. "Explain that now!" "Why, yer worship, sure anny one in the world'd know what the ullán on a sheep's back is!" said William, staggered by this sudden onslaught, "though there's some might call it the rebugh."

I've thought many a day, when I've been out in the gyarden workin' with my vegetables and getherin' my honeysuckles and roses, that if folks could jest live on and never git old and it'd stay June forever, that this world'd be heaven enough for anybody.