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It was partly the jealousy of age for youth, of departed beauty for beauty in its prime, but it was mainly actuated by the old lady's sense of pride, her firm belief that there was some mysterious merit of birth in the Carter blood, and that to friendship with the Carters a mere upstart, a secretary, a working-woman, could not with any justice aspire.

"They have ample facilities for studying anatomy," sneered Kirby, glancing at the half-naked figures. "Look," continued the Doctor, "at this bony wrist, and the strained sinews of the instep! A working-woman, the very type of her class." "God forbid!" muttered Mitchell. "Why?" demanded May. "What does the fellow intend by the figure? I cannot catch the meaning." "Ask him," said the other, dryly.

The eighth question returns in some of its aspects to the first: "The use of the term 'slave' implies a slave-owner and a slave-driver. In this series of the manufacturer, the sweater or middleman, and the working-woman with her children, which is the slave-owner, and which is the slave-driver?

Jean turned, and in her eagerness pressed on, Lady John following. The agreeable presence of the young chairman was withdrawn from the fighting-line, and the figure of the working-woman stood alone. With her lean brown finger pointing straight at the more outrageous of the young hooligans, and her voice raised shrill above their impertinence

She would rather have died than to have let people know that she had at one time been a poor working-woman; and now this stranger, who had been only a hours beneath her roof, had discovered it. She did not know what remark to make to Mrs. Brown, she was so aghast when the dictionary was handed her. "You have made a very wise selection, Mrs. Brown," she said.

Until her health gave way, about a year before her death, she acted as official lecturer for the League. Through her unique gifts as a speaker, and her beautiful personality, she interpreted the cause of the working-woman to many thousands of hearers. She was also departmental editor of Life and Labor, the League's magazine.

Oh, all through, it has been your womanliness I have counted on, dear, an inexhaustible, rich mine of sense and sweetness." "You rate me too high," Charlotte protested, softly. "I'm only a working-woman, now, you know. All the old traditions of the family have been set aside by me." "You have lived up to their traditions of nobility understood in just a little different way.

She thought Ernestine was unenterprising and also underrated her ability, just because she had not been a working-woman. "'Twould cost too much for you to learn," Ernestine replied dryly. Milly's little schemes were oddly always of the luxury order, to cater to the luxury-class, squabs, violets, mushrooms.

Among the generalities she uttered was the following; "But the greatest value of the working-woman, to my mind, is that without her economic value this present demand for equal suffrage could never be made. Indeed, the suffrage of the world is due to her. Do I mean by this that every working-woman in the country sees her own value so clearly that she demands enfranchisement?

With such edged tools as these are our American women playing when they demand, in the name of democracy, in the name of the family, in the name of the working-woman, that the word "sex" shall be inserted in the United States Constitution, and the word "male" be stricken from every State constitution that now contains it.