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"I have only brought you the keys, and wish to know what preserve you and Mr. Allan might favor for tea." But here I caught hold, not of the key-basket, but of the hard, work-worn hand that held it. "Oh, Deborah! do be good to us!"

I often comforted my master like that. Elspeth's quaint talk interested me greatly. I grew to love her dearly, and I liked to feel that she was fond of me in return. I could have sat by her contentedly for hours, holding her hard work-worn hand and listening to her gentle flow of talk with its Scriptural phrases and simple realistic thoughts.

She crossed her work-worn hands on his arm, and proceeded nervously "You say I never put you on a job, Jim. Well, I've a job to put you on now. I don't half like it, dear. It's for your sake I don't half like it. Promise me as you'll be careful, very careful, this turn." "Bother!" answered Jim. "Stow that, lass, and let's have it out."

The answer came with dramatic swiftness, and in the negative. Anna approached her mistress, still with that curious look of beaming happiness in her round, fat, plain face, and after she had put down the coffee-jug she held out her work-worn hand. On it was a pink card, and in her excitement she broke into eager German. "The child has come!" she exclaimed. "Look!

But he stayed on at Buck's, and no one dreamed of insulting him with talk of a pension, least of all Emma. She saw the work-worn pathetic old man not only as a figure but as a symbol. Jock McChesney, very young, very handsome, very successful, coming on to New York from Chicago to be married in June, found his mother wrapped in this contemplative calm.

Oh, but I have been sorely tried this day!" Our companion patted her thin, work-worn hand, and murmured some few words of kindly womanly comfort which brought the color back into the others bloodless cheeks. "Master has locked himself in and will not answer me," she explained.

Why, it ain't my birthday, it's Granny's." Nevertheless, she had her arms full of them and was clutching them so tightly with her work-worn little hands that we couldn't get them. She sobbed so deeply that Grandma heard her and became alarmed. She hobbled to the door and pounded with her poor twisted hands, calling all the while, "Cory, Cory Belle, what ails you?"

What inscrutable purpose, what sardonic humour, joined together beauty and ugliness, harmony and discord, her own golden heritage with the drab destinies of that dead woman and this work-worn cripple? "I can't stand it any longer," she thought. "I must breathe the open air, or I shall die."

Lynch, knitted her a shawl, with clean, thin old work-worn hands, the tears came into her bright eyes as she accepted the gift. So it was no more than a neighborly give-and-take after all. Mrs. Burgoyne would fall into step beside a factory girl, walking home at sunset. "How was it today, Nellie? Did you speak to the foreman about an opening for your sister?" the rich, interested voice would ask.

Her work-worn hands, tightly clenched, rested now on the table and she leaned there, looking down at him. "Was it an enemy this airship, Jacques?" "In the mist flying and the ragged clouds I could not tell. It might have been English. It must have been, I think coming as it came from the sea. But I am troubled, Marie-Josephine. Were the guns at sea an enemy’s guns?